post-docs, Team Zooniverse (Oxford), Adler researchers & Astros/Data Scientists/Developers (GitHub, Authorea, NYU Data Science, Microsoft Research - WWT)
Arfon Smith: • Open/collaborative coding, community learning and improving/testing code. • Version control for research and software citation. • Building up your research profile to include ‘software developer’. • Citing other people’s code – building a community based on trust. • Requesting to review code/methodology when reviewing a paper – enforces better research practices… perhaps/tricky? • Forking code. GitHub makes forking the norm (don’t ask me about forking ;) 2012 2014 ———————————————————- Repositories ~4 million ~20 million Python ~300K 1.4 million C++ ~140K ~615K Latex ~5000 50,000 Fortran ~1400 7000 IDL ~50 2000
Dissemintating #dotastro culture & practises (multidisciplinary) Astropy tutorials & updates Changing academic culture: datascience/software/research roles Alternative careers in academia? & tech industry Future of open worldwide telescope (WWT) Improving credit (+citation) for software Making data & software discoverable New software skills: Javascript, D3js, Python, APIs, SQL, MLA, Django Museum ideas: astronomy, tech and people New avenues for outreach (social issues in the US) Repositories for software and teaching materials Twitter Robots etc. Open access data, stellar and exoplanet archives.
Andrew Hopkins, Robert Simpson and I are keen to organise .Astronomy Australia. Twitter: #dotastro & @dotastronomy (GitHub or Atlassian? are potential sponsors)