want to share... ★ Astronomy catalogues, project/personal website, telescope archives ★ Often no direct link to publication - or URL changes = broken links ★ May not be associated with a publication - citation details? ★ Long term maintenance issues for personal websites & research nomads http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/ http://www.gama-survey.org/ http://hla.stsci.edu/
and DOIs created specifically for data citation ★ Article type “Data Descriptors” ★ Assigns a DOI for citation ★ Metadata description only ★ Data stored elswhere ★ $$ but < Nature’s APC ★ Metadata description only ★ Data stored elswhere ★ DOIs batch/auto created by Swinburne (later) ★ Not setup for individual users ★ FREE ★ Metadata & Data ★ DOIs created by CSIRO ★ Your data might be here ★ Inconvenient DOIs (?) ★ Some citation/owner issues ★ FREE http://www.nature.com/sdata/ https://researchdata.ands.org.au/ https://data.csiro.au
Metadata & Data (solves the hosting issue) ★ Auto DOI creation ★ Private version setup for BPsyC & CAOUS instruments ★ Open Source code & Python/XML based ★ Auto ingests files ★ Facilitates versioning ★ Swinburne Research Data Storage disk 330TB Less Complicated than CSIROs (Institutional) Atlas ~30 GB data paper DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1088/0067... http://vera183.its.monash.edu.au/experiment/view/104/
my code? Yes we Can!” DOIs are free and easy to create for public repositories (via GutHub & Zenodo). Facilitates modifications and versioning DOIs not available for Bitbucket... yet ..but Bitbucket is arguably better for private repositories so you should check it out...
bootcamps (Usually open to all Swinburne researchers) ★ Python ★ DOIs and data archives ★ d3js.org data visualisation ★ multi-disciplinary hack days ★ CartoDB: mapping visualisation ★ Software carpentary bootcamps ★ IPython on the NeCTAR cloud ★ Python for Geodynamics ★many more.... driven by researchers needs Upcoming (Open to all Swinburne researchers) ★ CartoDB: mapping visualisation - July ★ MatLab Bootcamp - August ★ 3-day Python Bootcamp - September ★ Research Bazaar conference - February (free event for all researchers) Blog and Twitter: @ITS_Res (Unimelb)
★ Promoting your research and increasing impact. ★ Research efficiency: set up software and data repositories in advance. ★ Become a ‘data expert’ within your collaboration: hosting/DOIs/licenses etc. ★ Industry skills: Bitbucket, GitHub, Python, R, d3js.org -- Great for careers in Data Science. ★ Participate in Hack-a-thons: project-in-a-day and collaborative coding skills. ★ Easy to start implementing these skills in your day-to-day research. ★ Take responsibility for your data. -- Compliance with funding bodies, particularly NSF and ARC. Scientific scrutiny. ★ Remember some of the most highly cited papers tend to be data archives, calibration datasets, models, surveys and survey tools, dust maps, and sofware.
(Twitter: @orbitingfrog) • .Astronomy: http://dotastronomy.com/ (Twitter: @dotastronomy) • UniMelb Research Bazaar - Conference Feb 2015 (FREE) http://resbaz.tumblr.com/conference • GitHub DOIs: https://github.com/blog/1840-improving-github-for-science • D3js.org Data Driven Documents: http://d3js.org/ (Orbiting Frog/Zooniverse/.Astronomy folks use this) • Science to Data Science (UK): http://www.s2ds.org/ • Insight Data Science Fellowships: http://insightdatascience.com/ • People on Twitter: @astrowisicist @astroinfo2013 @dfflanders @drphilmarshall • AstroTARDIS at Monash (M.Brown’s data): http://vera183.its.monash.edu.au/experiment/view/104/ Things I would like to emulate at Swinburne... • Berkeley Institute for Data Science: http://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/datascience/bids-launch-dec-12 • NAM 2014 Hack Day (UK’s ASA): see also Orbiting Frog blog post http://www.nam2014.org/hackdaywiki/index.php5/Main_Page (Twitter: #NAM2014) • UniMelb Research Bazaar: http://resbaz.tumblr.com/ (Twitter: @ITS_Res) • UniMelb Research Bazaar - Eventbrite: http://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/research-bazaar-conference-2848208870