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Use Git to Control Your Life

Use Git to Control Your Life

五倍紅寶石 Git 課程「人生不能重來,但 Git 可以」投影片


July 24, 2016

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  1. photo by Eddie 傈劥3VCZ钢阮Ꟛ涮罏   "EPCF⾲䑖钢阮'MBTIꟚ涮罏   -JOVY-1*㕜ꥹ钢阮

      ❀⦔秋㼂瀖Ⱏずⶾ鳵➃ 〵抓8FC$POG1)1$POG涮饱➃ 3BJMT(JSMT5BJQFJ涮饱➃ 155'MBTI晝晝⚺ a.k.a Eddie 넞鋅륌 !FEEJFLBP
  2. (JU

  3. Mac: $ brew install git Ubuntu or some linux OS:

    $ sudo apt-get install git-core or  $ sudo apt-get install git
  4. 增鋕湡⵹鏤㹁 $ git config --list 鏤㹁VTFSOBNF⿻FNBJM $ git config --global

    user.name "eddie"  $ git config --global user.email "eddie@5xruby.tw"
  5. 䒊用湡ꏗ $ mkdir demo ⴲ㨥⻋ $ cd demo $ git

    init Initialized empty Git repository in / private/tmp/demo/.git/
  6. 叆溏朜䢀 $ git status Initial commit Changes to be committed:

    (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage) new file: index.html
  7. 䲿❜ $ git commit -m "add index.html" [master (root-commit) cb96971]

    add index.html 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 index.html
  8. ♶䟝欽갸鏤涸管鱀㐼  emacs: $ git config --global core.editor emacs

    text: $ git config --global core.editor "subl -n -w" atom: $ git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"
  9. 雊湡⵹涸湡ꏗ㔐ⵌ♳♧妄涸DPNNJU $ git checkout . $ git clean -f $

    git clean -df # d = 清除⺫⽬目錄 幢ꤑVOUSBDL朜䢀涸墂呪
  10. 倞㟞ⴕ佅DBU $ git branch cat 增鋕ⴕ佅 $ git branch cat

    * master $ git branch -D cat Deleted branch cat (was cb96971). ⵅꤑⴕ佅DBU
  11. ⥜佖䲿❜ $ git rebase -i cb96971 # p, pick =

    use commit # r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
  12. ♳⫄ $ git push origin master $ git push origin

    cat ♳⫄DBUⴕ佅ⵌPSJHJO眏럊
  13. ざ⢘厥⦐暶㹁眏럊 $ git cherry-pick 823520ed $ git cherry-pick 823520ed --edit

    ざ⢘厥⦐暶㹁眏럊⵹管鱀鎝䜂 $ git cherry-pick 823520ed --no-commit 《䖤厥⦐暶㹁眏럊Ⰹ㺂⡎♶鹎遤ざ⢘
  14. TUFQ倞㟞⾲⢵SFQP涸黇畮眏럊 $ git remote add upstream ORIGIN_REPO $ git fetch

    upstream TUFQ《䖤鑪眏럊墂呪 $ git merge upstream/master TUFQざ⢘
  15. on Mac: $ brew install git-flow on Ubuntu or some

    linux OS: $ sudo apt-get install git-flow IUUQTHJUIVCDPNOWJFHJUPXXJLJ*OTUBMMBUJPO
  16. 倞㟞GFBUVSFTJHO@VQ $ git flow feature start sign_up $ git flow

    feature finish sign_up 㸤䧭GFBUVSFTJHO@VQ