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KDD 2020 Marketplace Tutorial Rishabh Part 1

KDD 2020 Marketplace Tutorial Rishabh Part 1

Rishabh Mehrotra

August 23, 2020

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  1. KDD 2020 Tutorial: Advances in Recommender Systems Part A: Recommendations

    in a Marketplace [Introduction] Rishabh Mehrotra Ben Carterette Senior Research Scientist, Senior Research Manager, Spotify, London Spotify, New York rishabhm@spotify.com benjaminc@spotify.com 23rd August 2020 @erishabh @BenCarterette https://sites.google.com/view/kdd20-marketplace-autorecsys/
  2. Introductions Rishabh Mehrotra Sr Research Scientist, Spotify, London Past: •

    PhD in ML/IR from University College London • BE (Hons) Computer Science, MSc (Hons) Mathematics, BITS Pilani, India • Visiting researcher & intern, Microsoft Research, NYC/Redmond (2015-16) • Co-founder, UserContext.AI • Goldman Sachs Ben Carterette Sr Research Manager, Spotify, New York Past: • Associate Professor, University of Delaware (2008 onwards) • Visiting Researcher, CMU (2010) • Visiting Researcher, Yahoo Labs (2009) • PhD from University of Massachusetts Amherst (2008)
  3. Outline 1. Introduction to Marketplaces 2. Optimization Objectives in a

    Marketplace 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 5. Industrial Applications
  4. Outline 1. Introduction: a. (Quick) Overview of traditional RecSys approaches

    b. Introduction to Marketplace c. Types & examples of marketplaces d. Recommendation in a marketplace e. Segway into the rest of the tutorial → walk-through of the upcoming sections → linking it all together 2. Optimization Objectives in a Marketplace 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 5. Industrial Applications
  5. Outline 1. Introduction to Marketplaces 2. Optimization Objectives in a

    Marketplace a. Case studies I - VII b. Families of objectives c. Interplay between Objectives 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 5. Industrial Applications
  6. Outline 1. Introduction to Marketplaces 2. Optimization Objectives in a

    Marketplace 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations a. Pareto optimality b. Multi-objective models i. Scalarization ii. Multi-task Learning iii. Multi-objective bandits iv. Multi-objective RL 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 5. Industrial Applications
  7. Outline 1. Introduction to Marketplaces 2. Optimization Objectives in a

    Marketplace 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding a. Consumer Understanding: i. Consumption diversity of users ii. Quantifying and estimating user tolerance iii. Leveraging User intents b. Supplier Understanding: i. Diversity across suppliers c. Content Understanding: i. Personalizing Reward function ii. Query Understanding 5. Industrial Applications
  8. Outline 1. Introduction to Marketplaces 2. Optimization Objectives in a

    Marketplace 3. Methods for Multi-Objective Ranking & Recommendations 4. Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 5. Industrial Applications a. Recommendation applications b. Search applications
  9. Schedule 08:00 - 08:10: Welcome + Introduction 08:10 - 08:30:

    Part I: Introduction to Marketplaces 08:30 - 09:00: Part II: Optimization Objectives in a Marketplace 09:00 - 09:30: Part III: Methods for Multi-Objective Recommendations 09:30 - 10:00: Break 10:00 - 10:30: Part III: Methods for Multi-Objective Recommendations 10:30 - 11:10: Part IV: Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 11:10 - 11:40: Part V: Industrial Applications 11:40 - 11:50: Questions & Discussions
  10. Outline 1. Introduction: a. (Quick) Overview of traditional RecSys approaches

    b. Introduction to Marketplace c. Types & examples of marketplaces d. Recommendation in a marketplace
  11. Approaches for RecSys Collaborative Filtering -- extended, i.e. Tensor factorization

    AAAI 2010: Collaborative Filtering Meets Mobile Recommendation: A User-Centered Approach
  12. Approaches for RecSys Latent variable models RecSys 2015: A probabilistic

    model for using social networks in personalized item recommendation
  13. Approaches for RecSys Neural Embeddings User Embedding … with Side

    Information RecSys 2016: Meta-Prod2Vec - Product Embeddings Using Side-Information for Recommendation
  14. Approaches for RecSys Neural Embeddings User Embedding … with Side

    Information Joint User-Item Embedding WSDM 2017: Joint Deep Modeling of Users and Items Using Reviews for Recommendation
  15. Approaches for RecSys Variants of Recommendation Styles: - Short vs

    long term - Cold start or cohort based - Multi-view & multi-interest models - Mult-task recommendation SIGIR 2012: Modeling the Impact of Short- and Long-Term Behavior on Search Personalization
  16. Approaches for RecSys Variants of Recommendation Styles: - Short vs

    long term - Cold start & cohort based - Multi-view & multi-interest models - Mult-task recommendation SIGIR 2014: Cohort Modeling for Enhanced Personalized Search
  17. Approaches for RecSys Variants of Recommendation Styles: - Short vs

    long term - Cold start or cohort based - Multi-view & multi-interest models - Mult-task recommendation RecSys 2013: Nonlinear Latent Factorization by Embedding Multiple User Interests
  18. Approaches for RecSys Variants of Recommendation Styles: - Short vs

    long term - Cold start or cohort based - Multi-view & multi-interest models - Multi-task recommendation KDD 2018: Perceive Your Users in Depth: Learning Universal User Representations from Multiple E-commerce Tasks
  19. Traditional RecSys: User Centric • User centric nature of systems:

    ◦ Recommendations models catered to users: ▪ user needs ▪ user interests ▪ user behavior & interactions ▪ personalization ◦ Evaluation approaches for user satisfaction ▪ Measuring user engagement ▪ Optimizing for user satisfaction ▪ User centric metrics *WSDM 2018 Tutorial on metrics of user engagement; Mounia Lalmas, et al [link]
  20. Marketplaces are everywhere! Marketplaces have existed since humans first began

    to engage in trade - Village markets: Vegetable & fruits & flowers - Shopping Malls - Stock markets
  21. Outline 1. Introduction: a. (Quick) Overview of traditional RecSys approaches

    b. Introduction to Marketplace c. Types & examples of marketplaces d. Recommendations in a marketplace
  22. Marketplace Types Marketplaces can be differentiated based on many fronts:

    1. Need/customer coverage (Horizontal vs Vertical) 2. Participants: who to whom? (B2B, C2C, etc) 3. Offerings classification (Information, Goods, Services, Funds) 4. Classification based on Control + Functionality (Closed, Open, Focused, Censored) 5. Management approach (Unmanaged, lightly managed, fully managed) 6. Transaction regularity (One-off, repeat transactions)
  23. Marketplace Types: Need Coverage Horizontal platforms: • facilitate exchanges in

    multiple different categories ◦ e.g services, buying and selling stuff, etc Vertical platforms: • focus on one problem / thing ◦ E.g. Uber (driving), Airbnb (accommodation)
  24. Marketplace Types: Participants Who to Whom? Participants on the online

    platform Platform Type Platform Use 1. B2B transaction of products or services between businesses 2. C2C transaction of products or services between customers 3. B2C transaction of products or services from business to customers 4. Crowdfunding lets people post projects and raise money through campaigns 5. eCommerce platform for two parties, e.g. seller - shopper, startup owner - investor 6. Peer-to-peer brings together users offering offline services 7. auction platforms seller lists a product; buyer with the highest bid gets the item https://syndicode.com/2017/06/28/types-of-online-marketplaces/
  25. Marketplace Types Platform Type Platform Use 1. B2B transaction of

    products or services between businesses 2. C2C transaction of products or services between customers 3. B2C transaction of products or services from business to customers 4. Crowdfunding lets people post projects and raise money through campaigns 5. eCommerce platform for two parties, e.g. seller - shopper, startup owner - investor 6. Peer-to-peer brings together users offering offline services 7. auction platforms seller lists a product; buyer with the highest bid gets the item https://syndicode.com/2017/06/28/types-of-online-marketplaces/
  26. Marketplace Types: Control + Functionality Classification based on control +

    functionality: 1. Closed 3. Censored 2. Focused 4. Open http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/76183/1/WRAP_JIT.r3_final.pdf
  27. Outline 1. Introduction: a. (Quick) Overview of traditional RecSys approaches

    b. Introduction to Marketplace c. Types & examples of marketplaces d. Recommendations in a marketplace
  28. Recommendation in 2-sided Marketplace Stakeholder(s) User Drivers Advertisers Campaign(s) Platform

    provider Metrics Streams Engagement levels Reach / Depth / Retention Downstreams Other proxies of user satisfaction Exposure Audience growth Revenue LTV Diversity
  29. Recommendation Strategy f( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

    ) Recommendation strategy = ??
  30. Recommendations in a Marketplace SAT objectives User Understanding User Expectations

    Supplier Exposure Supplier Goals Platform objectives Long Term Value
  31. Recommendations in a Marketplace SAT objectives User Understanding User Expectations

    Supplier Exposure Supplier Goals Platform objectives Long Term Value Algorithmic balancing
  32. Recommendations in a Marketplace SAT objectives User Understanding User Expectations

    Supplier Exposure Supplier Goals Platform objectives Long Term Value Algorithmic balancing User Understanding … Content Understanding Supplier Understanding
  33. Recommendations in a Marketplace SAT objectives User Understanding User Expectations

    Supplier Exposure Supplier Goals Platform objectives Long Term Value Algorithmic balancing Evaluation Recommendations User Understanding … Content Understanding Supplier Understanding
  34. Recommendations in a Marketplace Optimization Objectives What do different stakeholders

    care about? - User centric objectives - Supplier centric objectives - Platform goals & objectives
  35. Recommendations in a Marketplace Multi-Objective Methods How do we make

    multiple considerations when recommending content? - Multiple predictions - Multi-objective models
  36. Recommendations in a Marketplace Leveraging User & Content Understanding Consider

    user traits + stakeholder objectives to personalize: - Is the user open to diverse content? - Can we surface a tail supplier here?
  37. Recommendations in a Marketplace ❏ Stakeholders & Objectives ❏ Methods

    for Multi-Objective Recommendations ❏ Leveraging User & Supplier Understanding
  38. Recommendations in a Marketplace ❏ Stakeholders & Objectives ❏ Methods

    for Multi-Objective Recommendations ❏ Leveraging User & Supplier Understanding ❏ Industrial Applications
  39. Part I: Introduction to Marketplaces 1. What is a task

    & why are they important? 2. Characterizing Tasks across interfaces: 1. desktop search 2. digital assistants 3. voice-only assistants 3. Understanding User Tasks in Web Search a. Extracting Query Intents b. Queries → Sessions → Tasks c. Search Task Understanding a. Task extraction b. Subtask extraction c. Hierarchies of tasks & subtasks d. Evaluating task extraction algorithms 5. Recommendation Systems a. Case study: Pinterest b. Case study: Spotify Take-home messages: • Traditional RecSys methods are majorly user-centric • Need to explicitly consider other stakeholders • Different types of marketplaces & examples • Components: – Multi-objective methods – User & Content understanding
  40. Schedule 08:00 - 08:10: Welcome + Introduction 08:10 - 08:30:

    Part I: Introduction to Marketplaces 08:30 - 09:00: Part II: Optimization Objectives in a Marketplace 09:00 - 09:30: Part III: Methods for Multi-Objective Recommendations 09:30 - 10:00: Break 10:00 - 10:30: Part III: Methods for Multi-Objective Recommendations 10:30 - 11:10: Part IV: Leveraging Consumer, Supplier & Content Understanding 11:10 - 11:40: Part V: Industrial Applications 11:40 - 11:50: Questions & Discussions