Mauro Risonho de Paula Assumpcao (@firebitsbr)

286 Follows

Louder Than Ten


The school for people who run projects.

Train with us and learn how fast you can put a stop to drowning budgets, s...

1 follower 15 decks

Jake VanderPlas


Jake VanderPlas is a Senior Data Science Fellow at the University of Washington's eScience Institute, which supports ...

27 followers 23 decks
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Torresburriel Estudio


Torresburriel Estudio es una empresa que trabaja la experiencia de usuario de los productos digitales, el comercio el...

1 follower 13 decks

Gilles Ruppert


Frontend Engineer. Used to code JavaScript for BBC iPlayer & BBC Homepage. Now focusing on JavaScript applications an...

1 follower 4 decks

Danilo Poccia


Chief Evangelist (EMEA) @ AWS. Author of AWS Lambda in Action from Manning. Passioned about IT, IoT, AI, ML & other a...

14 followers 100 decks