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TensorFlow.js - Past, Present and Future

August 07, 2019

TensorFlow.js - Past, Present and Future

What is TensorFlow.js, how to use it for various common tasks and what next to expect from the team.


August 07, 2019

More Decks by Vikram

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  1. Come join us in building Personalized automation for the Web

    - Senior Full-stack Dev Node.js, Google Cloud - Senior Frontend Dev JavaScript, React, Redux - Senior UI/UX Designer Graphic Design, UI/UX https://omniinc.com/careers @Vikram_Tiwari
  2. @Vikram_Tiwari TensorFlow.js A machine learning library for JavaScript Run existing

    models Pre-packaged JavaScript or Converted from Python
  3. TensorFlow.js A machine learning library for JavaScript Retrain existing models

    With transfer learning Run existing models Pre-packaged JavaScript or Converted from Python @Vikram_Tiwari
  4. TensorFlow.js A machine learning library for JavaScript Write models in

    JS Train from scratch Retrain existing models With transfer learning Run existing models Pre-packaged JavaScript or Converted from Python @Vikram_Tiwari
  5. 5M CDN hits 120+ contributors 500K NPM downloads 11K GitHub

    stars TensorFlow.js turns 1.0 ! @Vikram_Tiwari
  6. Ready to use Models JavaScript APIs for common ML tasks

    Image Classification Object Detection Pose Detection Speech Commands Text Classification npm install or use from hosted scripts @Vikram_Tiwari
  7. - Use pre-trained off-the shelf models - Convert existing Python

    models - Train in the browser and Node.js - Deploy on Platforms @Vikram_Tiwari With tf.js you can Platforms Core API Layers API Models
  8. <script src=".../@tensorflow/tfjs"></script> <script src=".../@tensorflow-models/toxicity"></script> const model = await toxicity.load(); const

    results = model.classify(['you suck']); // Result { "label": "identity_attack", "results": [{ "probabilities": [0.96, 0.03], "match": false }] }, { "label": "insult", "results": [{ "probabilities": [0.08, 0.91], "match": true }] }, ... Text Toxicity Text Classifier http://bit.ly/2OBQ4PT @Vikram_Tiwari
  9. Bring py modules to js - Command line tool -

    Saved Model, TFHub, Keras - 170+ ops - TensorFlow 2.0 support @Vikram_Tiwari
  10. const model = tf.sequential(); model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({ inputShape: [IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS], kernelSize:

    5, filters: 8, strides: 1, activation: 'relu', kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling' })); model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]})); ... model.add(tf.layers.flatten()); model.add(tf.layers.dense({ units: NUM_CLASSES, activation: 'softmax' })); @Vikram_Tiwari
  11. model.compile({ loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy', optimizer: 'sgd' }); // Train model from

    scratch or transfer learning. await model.fit(xs, ys, {epochs: 10}); // Save the result of training. await model.save('localstorage://my-js-model'); // After training, get prediction from model. const prediction = model.predict(input); @Vikram_Tiwari
  12. Creatability Exploring how creative tools can be made more accessible

    for everyone. experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/creatability @Vikram_Tiwari
  13. What’s did it take? Everything - Fixing bugs in browsers

    - Matrix operations on WebGL - Tensorflow Ops and Layers APIs on tfjs/core - Data API and more... @Vikram_Tiwari
  14. What’s Next? - More ready-to-use models - Easier access for

    data and other browser APIs - More supported operations for building models - WebGL to WASM... maybe!? @Vikram_Tiwari
  15. @Vikram_Tiwari Co-founder, Tech at Omni Labs, Inc. GDE for Cloud

    and Machine Learning That’s all folks!