Architectural heritage information in 3D geospatial models: developing opportunities and challenges
Chances and challenges in using integrated 3D spatial information to support architectural heritage study and preservation.
Keynote presentation in the Technoheritage conference 2019 in Sevilla (Spain).
models: developing opportunities and challenges F. Noardo1 1Delft University of Technology (Urbanism Department, 3D geoinformation group) Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands [email protected]
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage Shape Of decorations Of spaces Of buildings Of urban structures and landmarks Of urban spaces We immediately understand it’s ‘heritage’ Of buildings elements
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage Spatial relationships - Between volumes - Between filled and empty spaces - Between buildings - Between buildings elements - Between buildings parts - Between the building and the city - Between functional spaces - Between symbolic spaces - Between spaces and light - …
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] ‘Graphical analysis’ Fasolo, 1954 (Gritella, 1987) Architectural heritage spatial features 2D representation for knowledge Hall of honour of Stupinigi royal hunting residence (Turin – Italy)(1729), baroque. By Filippo Juvarra (1678-1736) Geometric reconstructions through CAD tools, from the results of a LiDAR survey: Comparison with the drawing by Carlo Fontana of the Coliseum (FARO CAM2, 28 scans, very dense point cloud), in 2013 by the Geomatics- LAB Politecnico di Torino. Schema of Stupinigi on the Coliseum drawing Schema of the Coliseum drawing on Stupinigi
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Architectural heritage spatial features 2D representation for preservation (Coccia et al., 2015)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Palazzo Reale, Turin (NW Italy), 3D model from survey (De Luca, 2011) High level of detail: 3D volumes distributions Complex shapes, spaces and surfaces understanding Same 2D representation à different 3D representation Historical stratification analysis (Bonora et al., 2003) 3D models for knowledge Low level of detail: Layered and overlapping architectures in the landscape, in a system (e.g. Archaeological stratification and findings, sub ground structures, crypts and galleries); Heritage which acquire meaning if read in a wide system; …
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Effective communication and education support Cyark 3D models inventory for education 3D models in games for archaeology 3D models for knowledge (Rua, Alvito, 2011) Pompei 3D movie (
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] High level of detail: Accurate computation of complex surfaces for restoration project; Structural analysis; … 3D models for preservation Low level of detail: Consider land and terrain connected to the architecture for better addressing interventions; Improved risk assessment Heritage which acquire meaning if read in a wide system; Overall preservation and enhancement/promotion strategies …
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] (Bertolini-Cestari et al., 2015) 3D models for preservation (Riveiro et al., 2011) Improved structural analysis (e.g. FEM)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] …But things are more complex! • Semantic (meaning) relationships through wide pieces of land (& intangible heritage); • Relations to risk and vulnerability elements; • Small details can embody the proper cultural value, in elements distributed on the landscape, traditional skills and know-how; • Ownership relationship (e.g. Goods of foundations, common management); • … It is necessary to consider them as a system for improving knowledge, preservation (including risk prevention and heritage protection) and enhancement / promotion plans of heritage. Many data are connected to one single architecture (multi-source, multi-time, multi-formats); Functional & spatial relationships underline complex (multi-dimensional) systems:
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] - Common features - Different features - Common strategies - Intangible heritage Cross-boundary landscape heritage integrating vernacular heritage, important architectural heritage, historical cities… Cultural routes e.g. Via Francigena Ancient route that in medieval times connected Canterbury to Rome and to the harbors of Apulia (
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Information systems Including spatial data à Geographical Information Systems GIS (digital maps) People Data Data base Networks Hardware Software Protocols/ procedures
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] E37_Mark Scheme … 8-pointed star 6-petals rose 6-pointed star bird Star on the door of the ex Carmelites’ convent (Municipality: Roletto –TO-): it has little correspondence in the surrounded territory, but it can be explained by considering the origin of the convent and its dependence from the Asti Carmelite convent. GIS for land analysis, finding connections…
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] GIS management of façade materials GIS management of façade deteriorations GIS for preservation projects…
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Common features - They manage ‘enriched’ 3D models: - Geometry (in many Levels of Detail), from very dense advanced digital survey - Semantics: Use of entities (objects categories) with associated attributes, structured in schemas with categories hierarchies and reciprocal relationships. - Georeferencing - Includes processes and tools for management, analysis… - archive and information resource, to aid future investigations and research. Developed in other fields: 3D information systems: BIM and 3D GIS Architecture, Engineering & Construction à Building Information Models (BIM) Cartography, geomatics, city management à 3D Geographical Information Systems (3DGIS) or ‘3Dcity models’
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Collaborative process for production and management of structured electronic information (’80s). Its origins being in object-based parametric modelling applications in the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry, new-build sector (building and infrastructure). Building Information Models (BIM) BIM provides a methodology for better information management on design and construction projects, with eventual handover of the full information required for the operational stage. Historic England 2017 BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model. Swindon. Historic England.
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Figure adapted from Kolbe and Plümer (2004) Building Information Models (BIM): geometry Abstract shapes Implicit representation Explicit representation Storage of all the coordinates composing a surface [used by 3D GIS]
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Semantics for construction aims: detailed components of the buildings. But also for managing the building: energy related information, cost related, installations related… Building Information Models (BIM): semantics Specific construction elements Beam lift Window Staircase Door Stair element Stair Slab Room Glazed wall Roof Installations elements Column Wall
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] At present.. Little need of georeferencing during the design process Cartesian local reference systems are usually employed. Georeferencing tools allow the definition of: Base point coordinates Rotation towards the True North Building Information Models (BIM): georeferencing
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Example Column: LOD 100 LOD 200 LOD 300 LOD 400 Building Information Models (BIM): Levels of development
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • design options assessment; • quantities and cost estimation; • construction simulation; • energy modelling; • manufacture and off-site construction; • project management (efficient collaboration, multi- disciplinary project team); • facilities and asset management; • better design and construction coordination; • reduced costs during construction (reduced delays on-site, less rework, fewer requests for information) and operational (seamless delivery of information for facilities management at handover) stages. Building Information Models (BIM): functionalities
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Oreni et al., 2014 Heritage BIM (HBIM): functionalities and advantages • Exploration and complex analysis of proposed interventions in various scenarios;
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Heritage BIM (HBIM): functionalities and advantages • framework for collaborative working processes and sharing of coordinated datasets across a multi-disciplinary team (ideal for heritage conservation, management and research; (Chiabrando et al., 2017) (
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • decision-making support; • heritage management tool: • work programming (conservation, repair, maintenance and reuse); • visitor management; • condition monitoring; • project management; • security, fire safety, visitor safety and health and safety (H&E) planning; • disaster preparedness; • … Heritage BIM (HBIM): functionalities and advantages Historic England 2017 BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model. Swindon. Historic England. BIM by F.Matrone, PoliTO
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • Parametric modelling consistent with actual geometries (often irregular) • Use of georeferenced source data for modelling little supported • Little standardization of architectural elements • Available tools set for new-designed buildings Heritage BIM (HBIM): challenges (De Luca et al., 2007)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Evolution of common GIS; In cartographic field and city management (not pushed by industry!); Usually oriented to the representation of medium levels of detail objects (e.g. ~20 cm accuracy); Storage of all the coordinates composing a surface (explicit representation) Geometry Buildings Vegetation Roads Water City Semantics City representation and management aims Georeferencing 3D GIS – 3D city models
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] 3D GIS – 3D city models: data Many open data Berlin model Rotterdam model
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] X solar potential shadow analysis noise modelling energy estimation bomb detonation wind turbulence pollutant tracking 3D GIS – 3D city models: functionalities 3D cadastre 3D archive Multitemporal analysis Risk assessment… Navigation Flood simulations Multivariate analysis
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • Documentation management in a unique structured framework; • Complex landscape analysis • Cross-boundary investigations • Coordinated preservation strategies • New knowledge from existing patterns: inferences from ontologies, data mining, machine learning… Heritage in 3D city models: functionalities and advantages
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • LoDs specifications for heritage; • few data for permitting complex operations; • technical issues (software and data formats); • Hardware issues (high performances are required)… Heritage in 3D city models: challenges
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful Data must speak common languages and follow common structures and rules à Open standards (and open data models) are agreed
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] by buildingSMART (ISO 16739) It is part of a more complex standard about processes and technical requirements and coordination. Gives rules, structures, encodings for the management of interoperable, exchangeable and reusable BIM data. (Semantics strictly related to new constructions) introduction/ Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) – open standard for BIM
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] by Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Gives rules, structures, encodings for the management of interoperable, exchangeable and reusable 3D city models. (Semantics related to city object representations) Possibility to extend the model with application-related classes and attributes: CityGML Application Domain Extensions (ADE) CityGML – open standard for 3D city models
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] CityGML extensions for cultural heritage And energy-related information. Heritage in standard 3D city models (Prieto el al., 2012; Egusquiza, 2015, Egusquiza et al., 2017) Energy analysis in historical city
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] OGC CityGML LOS (Level Of Specialisation) LOD (Level Of Detail): 5 – LOS (Level Of Specialisation): 2 LOD 6 – LOS 3 LOD 6 – LOS 4 LOD 6 – LOS 5 LOD 7 – LOS 6 LOD 6 – LOS DM (Degradation Mapping) CityGML CHADE (Cultural Heritage Application Domain Extension) Heritage in standard 3D city models (Noardo, 2016; Noardo, 2018)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Heritage in standard 3D city models CityGML CHADE (Cultural Heritage Application Domain Extension) (Noardo, 2016; Noardo, 2018)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Heritage in standard 3D city models CityGML CHADE (Cultural Heritage Application Domain Extension) (Noardo, 2016; Noardo, 2018)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) data model extensions (Fernández-Freire et al., 2013). (Chiabrando et al., 2018; Colucci et al., 2018) ResCult project – Increasing Resilience of Cultural heritage Heritage in standard 3D city models
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] GeoBIM – integration of geoinformation with BIMs 1. Integration of data (common characteristics, they fit together) 2. Data interoperability 3. Reliable conversion procedures 4. Integration of procedures (BIM and GIS tools)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] High level of detail 3D cadaster Avoid duplication of tasks related to the 3D data collection Fast and efficient databases updates without additional financial costs Effective data exchange with professionals (architects, engineers, environmental scientists, etc.) Stronger information for lifecycle asset management and enhanced infrastructure and network management (enhanced level of detail) Enhanced city analysis (improved information) Correct, accurate and useful description of the context for designing reference Improved analysis possibilities about the designed building into its context Exploit GIS analysis for testing building properties Test of the impact of the building on the city or landscape. Multiscale vision (from construction elements to whole territories) BIM world point of view GEO world point of view GeoBIM – integration of geoinformation with BIMs
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] 3D GIS world BIM world AIM: city analysis and management (m) Open standard: OGC CityGML GIS software to manage it Government dominated Semantics: city representation description Georeferencing: compulsory Geometry: usually Brep from measurements AIM: building design (mm) Open standard: buildingSMART CAD software to manage it Industry dominated Semantics: building construction description Georeferencing: usually not mandatory Geometry: usually parametrized World Country Region City Building Component Element Section Storey Building GeoBIM – integration issues
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] • Lack of data • Technical issues against interoperability (e.g. software, standards) • Agreement missing between different data producers and users: GeoBIM – Other integration issues from practice accuracies, levels of details, needed entities and semantic information, need for georeferencing, specific information needed in specific use cases…
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Use cases: • Automatic building permission issuing • Assets and facility management • Improved analysis of the urban environment (e.g. Energy, noise, air pollution) • … GeoBIM – on-going work and use cases Many on-going work on GeoBIM From TUDelft 3D geoinformation group: • EuroSDR GeoBIM (co-funded project, 12 European Countries, research institutes and National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies) • ISPRS GeoBIM benchmark 2019 • Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions: Smart data integration for urban applications Collaboration with case studies (Municipalities) for meeting concrete requirements and needs.
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Investigation of the available technical solutions to support the open standards IFC (by buildingSMART) and CityGML (by OGC). 1. What is the support for IFC within BIM (and other) software? 2. What options for geo-referencing BIM data are available? 3. What is the support for CityGML within GIS (and other) tools? 4. What options for conversion (IFC↔CityGML) are available? Tasks: External voluntary participants can perform one or more tasks with the tools they are familiar with, and deliver their results in the provided results template. Aim: GeoBIM benchmark 2019 bim-benchmark/ GeoBIM – on-going work and use cases
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Architectural Heritage Architectural Heritage No GEO/BIM: an external field (Architectural Heritage) will enjoy both tools. Aim: have advantage of both systems with a seamless flow of information. HGeoBIM – integration of geoinformation about heritage with HBIMs Archive of heritage information from survey and other sources in detailed semantic 3D models; Analysis in connection to the context and other distant heritage, Support to heritage management; No duplication of data collection and representation efforts; Processes optimization. Integration of intangible characteristics (heritage values and significance)
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated heritage knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] With respect to common geoBIM, we have the advantage that the original source of data for modelling are the same: the existing architecture BUT: Issues for 3D models interoperability GEO-GEO, BIM-BIM, GEO-BIM w.r.t. Geometry HGeoHBIM – Next steps to reach it Modelling methodologies are various: • various source data (2D/3D, density, accuracy…), • Automatic/manual methods • Various interpolation and modelling algorithms, • Different kinds of geometry storage • … Metric data from survey and processing can be different: • Different kinds of survey, • different instruments for survey, • different survey precision, • different survey methods and reached accuracies • … Need of specifications and guidelines, best practices, harmonization, metadata
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Common terms, hierarchies and semantic rules (ontologies) are needed - Conceptual Reference Model of the Documentation Committee (CIDOC) of the International Committee of Museums (ICOM) - CIDOC CRM - Vocabularies of the Getty Institute: Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN) The Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) The Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA) Inclusion of national languages terms (e.g. trencadiz, trullo…) HGeoHBIM – Next steps to reach it With respect to common geoBIM, we have the advantage that the original source of data for modelling are the same: the existing architecture BUT: Issues for 3D models interoperability GEO-GEO, BIM-BIM, GEO-BIM w.r.t. Semantics
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] With respect to common geoBIM, we have the advantage that the original source of data for modelling are the same: the existing architecture BUT: Issues for 3D models interoperability GEO-GEO, BIM-BIM, GEO-BIM w.r.t. Georeferencing HGeoHBIM – Next steps to reach it Need of georeferenced data in both GEO and BIM; Georeferencing procedures are under investigation …
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] We need to collaborate.. 1. Improve representation and archiving of architectural heritage in 3D city models, by applying extensions (systematically). Consider heritage “special” also in common city analysis and management 2. Store them in connection to HBIM for having advantage of both systems 3. Follow common parameters and criteria in the representation à both must have explicit metadata 4. Defining requirements for enabling conversions 5. Specific use case requirements information in connected fields (history, restoration, construction, structural engineering…) 6. Institutional challenges: BIM and 3DCM adoption + best practices and guidelines needed (even for survey), official teaching in schools.. HGeoHBIM – Next steps to reach it
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Introduction: spatial values of architectural heritage 1) (Spatial) data • support for documentation and preservation • 3D spatial data: enhancing heritage study and preservation 2) (Spatial) Information: structured data are more effective • Information systems • 3D information systems: BIM and 3DGIS BIM and BIM for heritage 3DGIS and 3DGIS for heritage 3) (Spatial) Knowledge: interoperable, integrated information systems are more powerful GeoBIM and heritage GeoBIM Next steps towards integrated knowledge systems Conclusions Overview
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Conclusions • Great opportunities are given by the management of architectural heritage information in HBIM and 3D city models, and their integration. • Besides technical challenges, that will be solved, we should join our willpowers to find cross-fields agreements. • Multidimensional integrated and interoperable information for architectural heritage is not yet straightforward, but initial foundations are being laid.
challenges Seville, March 27, 2019 F. Noardo [email protected] Seville, March 26-30, 2019 Architectural heritage information in 3D geospatial models: developing opportunities and challenges Thank you for your attention! Francesca Noardo [email protected] ects/geobim-benchmark/ GeoBIM benchmark 2019 Open special issue: ”BIM and HBIM. Standardisation and interoperability” Journal of Applied Science Deadline: 31/07/2019 Most of images in the presentation were from