Developing a coherent approach to GeoBIM integration requires consensus between multiple stake-holders from both the Geo and the BIM side and at an international level. Developing such a multi-country and multi-stakeholders approach is the topic of a 2-year EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research) project on GeoBIM integration that started in November 2017. The general aim of the project is to detail both the needs and the issues of GeoBIM integration, studied from use cases as well as from existing experiences in the participating 11 countries and to develop initial solutions accordingly. We are specifically interested how geospatial data that is produced by governmental agencies like National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMAs) can be better utilised in design and building processes. The studied use case are a) the workflow from global design to a building permit; and b) the workflow of the object life-cycle in asset management.