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Freek Van der Herten

October 25, 2017

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  1. About me Freek Van der Herten Partner & developer at

    SPATIE @freekmurze https://murze.be
  2. Since 2003 Websites, applications and webshops Team 4 developers, 1

    manager Specialization Laravel development
  3. A FEW CAREER TIPS 1. Empathy Coding is just a

    means to an end Put yourself in the mind of some else Context is important It will make you a better human being too Empathy Gives You Superpowers by Matt Stauffer
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMFjO2szDnk Three quick career tips
  4. A FEW CAREER TIPS 2. Avoid else Three quick career

    tips if ($firstName) { if ($lastName) { if ($age) { return 'person is valid'; } else { return 'age is required'; } } else { return 'lastName is required'; } } else { return 'firstName is required'; }
  5. A FEW CAREER TIPS 2. Avoid else Three quick career

    tips if (! $firstName) { return 'firstName is required'; } if (! $lastName) { return 'lastName is required'; } if (! $age) { return 'age is required'; } return 'person is valid';
  6. A FEW CAREER TIPS 2. Avoid else Three quick career

    tips https://medium.com/web-engineering-vox/improving-code- quality-with-object-calisthenics Your code sucks, let's fit it
 Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers
  7. A FEW CAREER TIPS 3. Embrace the community Three quick

    career tips Everybody just holds a piece of puzzle Learn from each other Twitter, Meetups, Conferences Use each others solutions Give back
  8. Open source software ± 160 public repositories on GitHub +6

    000 000 downloads + 700 000 downloads a month A lot of benefits: learning, writing quality documentation and tests, showing the quality of our work, eating our own dogfood
  9. The dashboard is a single HTML page Displayed by a

    full screen browser Without full page reload Each tile wil be updated by JavaScript Each tile has it’s own update frequency In short
  10. Laravel 5.5 Render the initial page Fetch data from external

    API’s (scheduled) Broadcast events when new data has arrived Laravel
  11. Provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection Transporting

    events from server to the browser In realtime Secure Paid service Pusher
  12. Easy to learn JS Framework Each tile is a component

    Listen for incoming events with Laravel Echo Update the tile Vue.js
  13. Raspberry Pi 2 Powered by the USB port from the

    TV Uses Raspbian Jessie Boots into Chromium 56 in fullscreen mode Setup
  14. Credits Willem Van Bockstal @willemvbockstal Looks + grid system Sebastian

    De Deyne @sebdedeyne Scrutinising + JS wizardry