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Set up your own packagist

Set up your own packagist

Wouldn't it be great if you could pull in private packages with Composer? Satis allows you to do just that. In this short talk we'll demonstrate how to install and use it.

Freek Van der Herten

July 01, 2015

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  1. About me Freek Van der Herten Partner & developer at

    Spatie @freekmurze https://murze.be
  2. About Spatie SINCE 2003 Websites, applications en shops TEAM 4

    developers, 1 manager Pool of freelancers (photographers, animators, …) CORE VALUES Style, easy of use, tailor-made software
  3. Used for all greenfield projects Built with Laravel 5.1 Not

    really a CMS A sh*tload of dependencies Blender CMS
  4. Your own mini packagist Developed by Jordi Boggiano & Nils

    Adermann Useful for private packages Satis
  5. Configuring satis { "name": "Spatie custom packages", "homepage": "https://satis.spatie.be", "repositories":

    [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "https://github.com/spatie-custom/seeders" } ], "require-all": true }