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Clean Architecture to Android Development

June 04, 2020

Clean Architecture to Android Development

How to use Clean Architecture principles to build a high quality Android Project?


June 04, 2020

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  1. Summary • Overview about the Onion Approach • Dependency Rule

    • Abstraction Concept • Cake Recipe to Android • SOLID Principles • FInal Consideration
  2. Is there a “cake recipe” to implement the clean architecture

    to develop Android Apps? In my opinion no, but we can define a good template ;)
  3. Conclusions It is hard to solve all of the problems

    that we have when we are developing software with good quality. To combine factors such as simplicity, performance, and efficiency are always a big challenge. For this reason, we build software in teams.
  4. Useful Links • Clean Architecture Tutorial for Android: Getting Start

    • Essentials Components for Any Successful Android Project • Getting started with Android Jetpack