1.0 Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Sound Source: ftp://ftp.gnomovision.com/pub/cdplayer/cdplayer URL: http://www.gnomovision.com/cdplayer/cdplayer.html Distribution: WSS Linux Vendor: White Socks Software, Inc. Packager: Santa Claus <sclaus@northpole.com> %description It slices! It dices! It's a CD player app that can't be beat. By using the resonant frequency of the CD itself, it is able to simulate 20X Example RPM spec file
labels have namespaces [WARN] Label 'vendor' should use a namespace based on reverse DNS notation ========> Check labels don't use reserved namespaces ========> Check labels only use valid characters ========> Check labels start and end with alpanumeric characters ========> Check labels for double dots and dashes
- the musl c library (libc) implementati busybox-1.23.2-r0 - Size optimized toolbox of many comm alpine-baselayout-2.3.2-r0 - Alpine base dir structure openrc-0.15.1-r3 - OpenRC manages the services, startup alpine-conf-3.2.1-r6 - Alpine configuration management List installed packages