Santa Maria - UFSM. Ph.D. student in design at the Postgraduate Design Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS. Worked as a web designer at PROCERGS and PROCEMPA Project Manager and General Coordinator in the area of Electronic Government of the federal government between 2005 and 2015. W3C Accessibility Experts Brazilian Working Group participant and Civic Innovation Ambassador for Open Knowledge Brazil. Eventual cartoonist and illustrator.
and Historical WebSite Wireframing, layout, information architecture, and theme accessibility. "Assim Vivemos" is a film festival with the theme of films about disability. In response to an old demand from the public, the Festival 2021 website is accessible to people with disabilities.
Pinha Pinhão is a family inn located in Gramado-RS The proposal was to create a single page with the basic information of the inn, to be consulted via cell phone, incorporating facilities provided by HTML5. Information Architecture and User Interface
information architecture. Fitoform was made for planning customized wheelchairs, for special needs, guiding the planning process as patient measurements.
Digital Identity Participation of the planning, information architecture and accessibility WG, corrections in the identity manual, mockups and layout proposals for some sites. IDG was born from the efforts of several people during the implementation of the Access to Information Law in the Federal Government. IDG - Grid wireframes Layout
- ePWG The Web Standards in e-Government - ePWG Design of the Standard and writing of the base text of the documents: - Coding Booklet - Usability Booklet - Administration Guide Booklets with best practice recommendations to improve communication and provide information and services provided by electronic means by Federal Government agencies.
in e-Government - eMAG Development of support materials, v2.0 courses, definition of product requirements (eg: ASES and VLibras), accessibility evaluation, and project management. Accessibility and User Experience
game consists of a pathway that simulates the first implementation of accessibility on a website. It can be played by up to six people, with an average duration of about 20 minutes per game. Accessibility and User Experience
Spelta, the basic text of fascicles 3, 4 and 5. The Web Accessibility Booklet is aimed at managers, developers, designers, auditors, and citizens in general about the importance of worrying about and investing in Web accessibility. Accessibility and User Experience