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Static Types in Python

Static Types in Python

Python is a great language for writing software because it’s expressive, concise, and clear. But as a codebase grows large, Python can get harder to understand than comparable Java, Go, or Haskell. The author of almost every piece of code has expectations about what types the values involved will have, and a reader has to form the same expectations — but in Python these expectations are usually left implicit, and the readers to fend for themselves.

I’ll describe recent developments that enable Python users to make these type expectations — aka “static types” — explicit. A new standard, PEP 484, provides notation for writing down types, and a type-checker, Mypy, analyzes the program to confirm that it really abides by the expectations the authors have written down. Dropbox is supporting the work and its engineers eagerly beginning to adopt it in the company’s 3-million-line Python codebase. Everything is 100% open source and applies to both Python 3 and Python 2. More users, bug reports, and patches are all welcome.

(Given at the Recurse Center on 2016-05-09.)

Greg Price

May 09, 2016

More Decks by Greg Price

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  2. Joint work Tech is not all or mainly my own

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  12. Understanding code: static types What's the type of (some expression)?

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  13. Static types: writing them down static type, n.: the expectation

    the author had of the (runtime) type of an expression's value Explicit is better than implicit.
  14. Static types: writing them down Explicit is better than implicit.

    def something(self, entries): '''entries: a list of LogEntry''' for entry in entries: entry.data.validate()
  15. Static types: writing them down Explicit is better than implicit.

    Checked is better than unchecked. If we carry out those principles, we can better understand our code.
  16. Static types: writing them down Explicit is better than implicit.

    → Standard type notation: PEP 484 (Python 2 and Python 3 compatible!) Checked is better than unchecked. → Type-checker: Mypy (no runtime effect)
  17. Questions on why? Next up: how – PEP 484 type

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  25. Status at Dropbox • ~15 eager early adopters • 50kLOC

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  26. Dropbox: people love having types “Refactors are already so much

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  27. Try it! • Annotate your favorite Python codebase – Maybe

    Zulip? http://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/mypy.html • Report any issues on GitHub – We respond fast and love hearing things • Patches and code reviews also welcome