it is to set up a foursome versus field, single round charity event with GolfEventGenius. We will go through the steps of setting up the event from pairings to tournaments, leaderboards and more. You will have real-time scoring, a rotating TV leaderboard and a permanent website for golfers to view results, photos, etc. So sit back, relax, and let the Genius do the work for you. Wednesday, March 19, 14
want to upload. Make sure to title each column. Email is helpful so you can stay in contact with your players. Affiliation (like hometown, golf club, etc.) will show next to the player’s name on the tee sheet and leaderboard. If you know what the pairings will be, you can set up a foursome ID column so Golf Genius can create pairings using that column. (Note: The spreadsheet must be in XLS format) Three things to have before starting: 3. Spreadsheet with Golfer Info 1. Logo and Banner of the Event 2. Scorecard of the Course being Played Wednesday, March 19, 14
to your Customer Dashboard and click “Create New Event” and name your event. You can always reach your customer dashboard from a link on the top right of any page. Wednesday, March 19, 14
a later time if you do not have your players yet.) If your golfer spreadsheet is ready, select the option to upload it. You also have the option to download a blank spreadsheet template to paste your data or enter your players individually without a spreadsheet. If you are not using the setup wizard, you can upload the roster by going to Golfers Menu/Upload Roster to Spreadsheet or enter them manually at Golfers Menu/Add Golfers. Option 1: Upload spreadsheet Option 2: Manually add players Match Columns Wednesday, March 19, 14
one-round event so simply click on the date of the round and save. If you are not using the Setup Wizard, you can add the round by going to Calendar/Add Rounds Wednesday, March 19, 14
your advanced options are for your event. Chances are the options selected are okay for your event, but we recommend a quick review for complete customization. Wednesday, March 19, 14
“Add a Course”. In order to properly score the tournaments and print the scorecards, you will need to add the scorecard information. If you are not using the Setup Wizard, go to the Event Menu/Maintain Course Details Wednesday, March 19, 14
“Create/Edit Tournaments”. Click on “Add GLG Scored Tournament” to set up your scramble, skins, best ball tournaments, etc. Click on “Add User-Scored Tournaments” to create Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, etc. Wednesday, March 19, 14
Rounds Menu then “Create New Pairings”. You have the option to manually pair golfers or by other specifications. In this case, we are going to pair by custom field. Which is the Foursome ID field that was uploaded from the golfer spreadsheet. Click Save, then Continue. On the “Edit Existing Pairings” page you will set the course/tee to be played, the tee times/shotgun starts, and make any necessary tweaks to the pairings. Wednesday, March 19, 14
a customizable website for this event that can be accessed by golfers before and after the event. After making initial edits on this step of the wizard, you can always go back to the portal to make more changes. To do that, Go to the Event Menu, then Go To (see circled item above). You will also be asked to upload a banner and logo of your event, which can also be added at a later time by going to the Event Menu then “Event Logo and Banner”. These logos and banners can be displayed on the portal, TV leaderboard, scorecards, tee sheets, and other reports. Wednesday, March 19, 14
the Rounds Menu, then Download/Print Center to print these reports. Note that each foursome will have a unique GGID printed on their scorecard to use to log into the mobile app. Wednesday, March 19, 14
then “Display Leaderboard”. Click on “Re-score, Print, Adjust Leaderboard”. Select “TV Display” and edit the display settings if necessary. Set up as many large displays as needed, by just connecting a laptop to each display. Wednesday, March 19, 14
App Have one player in each foursome enter the scores on the mobile app. When they open up the app, they can enter their email/password (if they are registered to the event portal) or enter their foursome GGID. If mobile scoring is not used, the event manager can enter the scores via Rounds Menu/Enter Scores. Wednesday, March 19, 14
of the closest to the pins, longest drives, etc, go to Display Leaderboard then “Re-score, Print, Adjust Leaderboard”. Click on Adjust Leaderboard, select the user-scored tournaments, make the adjustments and click Done. Wednesday, March 19, 14
final event leaderboard with points and purse awarded, you can go to the Rounds Menu and change the Round Status to Completed on the bottom right. Wednesday, March 19, 14