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Forget everything you know about testing, and s...

David Gomez
November 06, 2013

Forget everything you know about testing, and start testing!

David Gomez

November 06, 2013

Other Decks in Technology


  1. When tradition takes over it it blocks our access to

    the sources from which the concepts have been drawn. It makes us forget they had and origin, and makes us suppose that going back to these sources is something we need not even understand.
  2. A change of the world presupposes a change of the

    conception of the world. That conception is only obtained by a sufficient interpretation.
  3. unit smoke regression functional integration load stress performance xUnit BDD

    Test Suite Test Case Test Method Assertion Feature Scenario Definition Specs The Usual Suspects
  4. Testing Mantra Know yourself (your code, your app) Find your

    own path (critical) Mindful practice (test, test, test!)
  5. Unit “First Line of Defense” Tests (as Design Documents) •

    Cucumber (http://cukes.info) • Technology Compatibility Kit • Implementation Independent features Scenario: Two-parameter step Given a scenario with: """ Given a calculator When the calculator adds up "12" and "51" Then the calculator returns "63" """ When Cucumber runs the scenario with steps for a calculator Then the scenario passes