API service ▸ Everything [useful] is an API object ▸ Users create them, Control Plane manages them ▸ Control Plane is a “Kernel”, APIs are “standard libs”
:-) ▸ Sample controller: https://github.com/kubernetes/sample-controller ▸ Dig into the code deeper: https://goo.gl/d12pQK ▸ Go even deeper: API aggregation ▸ Credit: James Munnelly (@JamesMunnelly )
receiver: ▸ Receiver must be initialized! ▸ Receiver get mutated by the operation! ▸ Panics when the indexes are out of bounds! ▸ Some operations return Vector, not Matrix! ▸ You can access raw backing data (float64 slices)
slice is faster than multiplying vectors using mat package functions AVOID UNNECESSARY ALLOCATIONS ▸ Avoid re-computing CPU “expensive” values (pow, exp…) CACHE AND RE-USE EXPENSIVE COMPUTATIONS ▸ Go Profiler is pretty awesome and it’s your best friend AVOID PREMATURE OPTIMISATIONS
list of Go for data science resources https://github.com/gopherdata/resources ▸ gorgonnia = Go + CUDA https://github.com/chewxy/gorgonia ▸ Go + FPGA https://github.com/ReconfigureIO