• Funded by USAID, it aims to address global hunger and food security issues in Africa - South of Sahara. • Provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families through sustainably intensified farming systems that sufficiently improve food, nutrition, and income security, particularly for women and children, and conserve or enhance the natural resource base. 2
no impact on the environment • Promotion of technology packages (improved seeds, fertilizers, new agric. practices) • IFPRI Monitoring & Evaluation – to evaluate how AfricaRISING program is doing • Can we really evaluate the whole program? 4
• Assess the impact of the program • Create knowledge of what works: -effectiveness -rank policy/project alternatives -eventual scale-up and external validity -identify problems in the project 5
paper questionnaire was designed with 25 modules, approx. 1000 questions and complex skip patterns and relations • A local survey company with ODK (Open Data Kit) experience based in Zomba was contracted to conduct the survey • 30 Google Nexus tablets were borrowed from WESTAT and shipped to Malawi • Started coordinating preparatory activities 9 *ODK – Open Data Kit – Open-source data collection suite
the ODK survey form based on the paper questionnaire • 2 week training: – 1 week – training on paper questionnaire – 1 week – training on tablets with ODK • 2 pilot days • 1 day – interviewer’s assessment • Field work starts 11
with various degree of experience • Logistic problems: random power outages and sporadic internet access on the tablets • Lack of printing facilities • Transportation 17
extra cost for the hardware and programming but saves a tree • Data consistency is more reliable using tablets • Tablet programming takes time • Grasping the overall structure of the survey is easier on paper • Tablet adds a learning curve for the enumerators 20