to recruit & train 1 employee = 2.5x’s an employee’s salary (Deloitte). Reason enough to get it right the 1st time. #TalentIQ #HR ” @CornerstoneInc tweet photo/SalFalko
o l f i Smoke ON THE JOB? Unless you are a pot product tester, you should be able to find other ways to accommodate medical needs. #nextchat ” @DwaneLay tweet
if we get caught up in new features and mergers without a focus on what #hr wants to be great at, #technology thrown at nothing. ” @jasonaverbook tweet
topic of retention, I was astounded to see this as the #2 issue around the world (after leadership). The problem is epidemic. #c21hc ” @Josh_Bersin tweet photo/sinne.derooij
career is like running the Boston & NY marathons - ups, downs, boring straightaways, fast finishes - and lots of steps. #internpro ” @LevyRecruits tweet
It’s not about predicting who you need to hire, but what skills those new hires need to have today - and tomorrow. #RBCLive #Glassdoor ” @RecruitingBlogs tweet
lead from the back. In a crisis, lead from the front To empower, follow from the front. Leadership is positioning. ” @ValaAfshar #41 tweet photo/Kerem Tapani
relationships built and business generated as a result of that is the best ROI of prospecting on #LinkedIn #TChat ” @sonaleearvind tweet photo/swisscan