products, systems and organisations, which promote sustainable ecology. contribute with a deep and trained sense of and knowledge about aesthetics, function and users together with other subjects and professions. create connections by listening to others and by processing materials with your hands, mind and heart. work in cross-disciplinary teams on challenging and solving large societal problems and issues of our time, such as climate change, lack of welfare and social inequality. engage and use the tools of the design process in research collaborations and research networks nationally and internationally Mission Source:
る 「Doing is Thinking」や「Making is Thinking」といった 原則がその中心にある プロジェクトを通して、デザインラボは「意味のあるプロダ クトやサービス」の開発と社会実装に対し、デザインがのよ うに貢献したのか?といった知識と事例を生み出す Social Design Lab