works. Get ready to make your words, pictures, and layout look as good on screen as they do in your imagination, without any code. Gutenberg will ship in WordPress 5.0 slated for an April release.
server’s PHP version. It includes educating people about PHP and why it should be upgraded, as well as assistance on how to upgrade and how to petition your host to upgrade.
of regulations to help strengthen the protection of all users’ personally identifiable information (PII) in the EU. The WordPress Core Team will be making changes to ensure that WordPress is GDPR compliant for all users.
from the first release of WordPress - v0.76-Gold. We held a party for the 10th anniversary and definitely plan on doing something for this one too - we’ll announce it on the meetup group when we have things planned.
be a code to help everyone communicate across the whole WordPress project. The CCoC will apply to online communication, events, and all other contributions.
of representatives from several companies who are focused on marketing, delivering and using WordPress as an enterprise-grade CMS. They meet monthly to share the work they’re each doing as well as discussing things they could do better as a community or via
raise the code quality of all the plugins and themes in the directories. It is a series of automated tests run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory.
to help spread WordPress to underserved areas through providing more significant organizing support for a first event. Harare was one of the three successful incubator communities in 2016 and 2018 will see a second round of incubator WordCamps.
uplift local communities. We started do_action in Cape Town in 2014 and now it has grown to a global level. There are currently 6 do_action events in pre-planning for 2018 around the world.