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Build Your Cloud Infrastructure as Code With .N...

Build Your Cloud Infrastructure as Code With .Net Core - ADDO 2020

Hossam Barakat

November 13, 2020

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  1. Build Your Cloud Infrastructure as Code With .Net Core Hossam

    Barakat Technical Lead at Willow @hossambarakat_ | www.hossambarakat.net
  2. @hossambarakat_ • Intro to Infrastructure as code • Your First

    Pulumi Program • Pulumi Fundamentals • Continuous Delivery Agenda
  3. @hossambarakat_ • Azure Resource Manager • AWS CloudFormation • Google

    Deployment Manager • Terraform • … Declarative Infrastructure as Code tools
  4. @hossambarakat_ • Pulumi is an open source infrastructure as code

    tool the lets you use real languages – C#, TypeScript, Go,… – to provision and manage cloud resources. What is Pulumi?
  5. @hossambarakat_ • Control flow with loops and if conditions •

    Abstraction with functions, classes, packages,… • Code sharing with package management (Nuget, npm,…) • Authoring with favourite IDEs, refactoring, code completion, static type checking • Testing with existing frameworks and tools Benefits
  6. @hossambarakat_ Terraform vs Pulumi var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("pulumi-resources", new

    ResourceGroupArgs { Location = "West Europe" }); ); var environments = new string[]{"dev", "uat", "prod"}; foreach (var environment in environments) { var storageAccount = new Account($"storage{environment}", new AccountArgs { Name = $"iacpulumi{environment}", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = resourceGroup.Location, AccountReplicationType = "LRS", AccountTier = "Standard", }); } resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" { name = "terraform-resources" location = "West Europe" } variable "environments" { description = "storage account regions" type = list(string) default = ["dev", "uat", "prod"] } resource "azurerm_storage_account" "sa" { name = "iacpulumi${var.environments[count.index]}" resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location account_tier = "Standard" account_replication_type = "LRS" count = length(var.environments) }
  7. @hossambarakat_ Projects & Stacks web-app (Pulumi.yaml) Project $ pulumi new

    Stacks $ pulumi stack init stackName Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml Pulumi.yaml
  8. @hossambarakat_ Configurations $ pulumi config set dbPassword S3cr37 config: serverless-app:dbPassword:

    S3cr37 Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml var config = new Pulumi.Config(); var password = config.Require("dbPassword"); Pulumi.cs
  9. @hossambarakat_ Secrets $ pulumi config set --secret dbPassword S3cr37 var

    config = new Pulumi.Config(); var password = config.Require("dbPassword"); Pulumi.cs Pulumi.<stack-name>.yaml config: serverless-app:dbPassword: secure: AAABAELDrCQE+rQbzTxN43iAD6iGDXTYQ90AzpILkfEY3uwtc+g=
  10. @hossambarakat_ How Pulumi Works State CLI and Engine AWS Azure

    Kubernetes Providers Code Plan Apply new Resource()