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Think Like an Email Geek

September 09, 2019

Think Like an Email Geek

Coding HTML emails is a beast of its own, often perceived as relying solely on outdated practices. And for a good reason, email client quirks can make even the most clever front-end developer crazy. Emails are still part of your user’s journey, from commercial newsletters to transactional emails.

The first step to thinking like an email geek is to understand how email clients change our code and why this happens. From technical and security constraints to user experience enhancements, every quirk is there for a reason.

Those constraints then allow email geeks to invent new ways to use HTML and CSS. From building responsive layouts without media queries to creating interactive emails without any JavaScript—”Life finds a way” to quote my favorite mathematician.


September 09, 2019

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  1. Dear Friend, You've requested a new password for your account.

    If you actually requested this change, please reset your password now. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/auth/recover/ fXSETxkGlkece0cvAlHiAx If the link and button above don't work for some reason, Please copy and paste the URL into your browser instead. If you didn't actually send this request, just ignore this email. Of course, your password will remain the same. From cats with love. The Smashing Family
  2. Dear Friend, You've requested a new password for your account.

    If you actually requested this change, please reset your password now. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/auth/recover/ fXSETxkGlkece0cvAlHiAx If the link and button above don't work for some reason, Please copy and paste the URL into your browser instead. If you didn't actually send this request, just ignore this email. Of course, your password will remain the same. From cats with love. The Smashing Family VoiceOver
  3. Every email […] has approximately 15,000 potential renderings (and that’s

    using conservative math). CHAD S. WHITE (LITMUS): “
  4. Mario Kart Tour is coming on September 25th. © 2019

    Nintendo Co., Ltd. | Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo. Customer service in France: webmaster@nintendo.fr Phone : (+33) 08 92 68 77 55 (0,40 €/min) For informations regarding customer service in another country, please visit https://support.nintendo.com. For questions related to your Nintendo account, please contacter the dedicated customer service: service@nintendo.de. Nintendo Co., Ltd., 11-1 Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8501, Japan. Registration number: 1300-01-011420. Directors: Shuntaro Furukawa, Shigeru Miyamoto. webmaster@nintendo.fr September 25th 08 92 68 77 55 https://support.nintendo.com service@nintendo.de 11-1 Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8501, Japan 1300-01-011420
  5. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Smashing</title> <style> .main { color:red;

    } </style> </head> <body> <div class="main"> <h1>Dear friend</h1> </div> </body> </html>
  6. html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Messagerie</title><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"><meta name="google" value="notranslate"><meta name="application- name" content="Messagerie"><meta name="description"

    content="La messagerie selon Google"><meta name="application-url" content="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1"><meta name="google" content="notranslate"><link rel="canonical" href="https:// mail.google.com/mail/"/><link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://www.google.com/a/ images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"><link rel="alternate" type="application/ atom+xml" title="Flux Atom de Messagerie Gmail" href="feed/atom"> <style> .x123_main { color:red; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="nH"><div class="nH"><div class="nH w-asV"><div class="nH bKL"><div class="no"><div class="nH oy8n Bf nn aEn"><div class="nH"><div class><div class="AO"><div class="nH g id"> <div class="nH"><div class="nH"><div class="nH w- asV"><div class="nH bKL"><div class="no"><div class="nH oy8n Bf nn aEn"><div class="nH"><div class><div class="AO"><div class="nH g id"> <div class="nH"><div class="nH"><div class="nH w-asV"><div class="nH bKL"><div class="no"><div class="nH oy8n Bf nn aEn"><div class="nH"><div class><div class="AO"><div class="nH g id »><div id=":zm" class="a3s aXjCH msg23902384912146"><u></u> <div class="x123_main"> <h1>Dear friend</h1> </div> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></
  7. .foo { background: red; } /* This is a comment.

    */ .bar { background: green; } Yahoo! Mail
  8. #yiv6500658075 .yiv6500658075foo { background: red; } /* This is a

    comment. */ #yiv6500658075 .yiv6500658075bar { background: green; } Yahoo! Mail
  9. .foo { background: black; animation: bar linear 0.3s; } @keyframes

    bar { 0% { background: red; } 33.33% { background: green; } } Yahoo! Mail
  10. .foo { background: black; animation: bar linear 0.3s; } @keyframes

    bar { 0% { background: red; } 33.33% { background: green; } } Yahoo! Mail
  11. .foo { background: black; } _filtered #yiv2616938952 { background: red;

    } 33.33% { background: green; } } Yahoo! Mail
  12. #yiv6523362013 .yiv2616938952foo { background: black; } _filtered #yiv2616938952 { background:

    red; } #yiv6523362013 33.yiv261693895233 { background: green; } } Yahoo! Mail
  13. #yiv6523362013 .yiv2616938952foo { background: black; } _filtered #yiv2616938952 { background:

    red; } #yiv6523362013 33.yiv261693895233 { background: green; } #yiv2616938952 Yahoo! Mail

    rendering engine NOW uses WORD’s rendering engine
  15. 2019 2016 2013 2010 2007 A SHORT TIMELINE OF OUTLOOK

    NOW uses WORD’s rendering engine

    color font text-align background-color text-indent margin width height padding border etc. <div> <p> <table> <td> <hn> Others
  17. <!--[if mso 12]> // Outlook 2007 <!--[if mso 14]> //

    Outlook 2010 <!--[if mso 15]> // Outlook 2013 <!--[if mso 16]> // Outlook 2016 <!--[if mso 16]> // Outlook 2019 ?
  18. VML

  19. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> .foo { background: green;

    } </style> </head> <body> <div class="foo">…</div> </body> </html> Yahoo! Mail Android
  20. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head></head> <head> <style> .foo { background:

    green; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="foo">…</div> </body> </html> Yahoo! Mail Android
  21. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <style> .foo { background: green;

    } </style> </head> <body> <div class="foo">…</div> </body> </html> Yahoo! Mail Android