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Introducing pandas_profiling (lightning talk)

Introducing pandas_profiling (lightning talk)

5 minute introduction to EDA with pandas_profiling: https://github.com/pandas-profiling/pandas-profiling


April 04, 2018

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  1. Ian.Ozsvald@ModelInsight.io @IanOzsvald[.com] PyDataLondon 2018-04 pandas_profiling Pclass vs Fare and Age

    (negative relationship) is_female vs Survived (positive relationship)
  2. Ian.Ozsvald@ModelInsight.io @IanOzsvald[.com] PyDataLondon 2018-04 Wrap-up • Several PRs needing a

    review – get involved? • Additions for categoricals and correlations • Author is fairly responsive, it looks like a nice first project to get involved with