npm install –g git+ $ yo swiftserver ? What's the name of your application? testapp ? Enter the name of the directory to contain the project: testapp ? Select the data store memory (for development purposes) create config.json create Package.swift create Sources/testapp/main.swift create Sources/Generated/ApplicationConfiguration.swift create manifest.yml create definitions/testapp.yaml Apple Swift version 3.0.2 (swiftlang-800.0.63 clang-800.0.42.1) Compile Swift Module 'GeneratedSwiftServer' (10 sources) Compile Swift Module 'GeneratedSwiftServer_CloudantStore' (1 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Generated' (1 sources) Compile Swift Module 'testapp' (1 sources) swift build command completed Next steps: Run the app $ .build/debug/testapp 19