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April 15, 2023


The Three Dispensations


April 15, 2023

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  1. THE THREE DISPENSATIONS Reference verse Hebrews 1:1-2 INTRODUCTION: 1. Notice

    these interesting phrases i. At various times. ii. In various ways. 2. God never disclosed His "WILL" to man-kind "ALL AT ONCE". 3. He (God) did that in portions, thus basically creating what we call "DISPENSATION". NOTICE THIS: i. God spoke To the fathers ii. He (GOD) spoke In the prophets “THREE DISPENSATIONS" iii. He spoke IN HIS SON.
  2. 4. What is Dispensation? Defined from the American Heritage Dictionary

    of the English Language: A Specific arrangement or system by which something is dispensed or administered. OR: "A system of rule or law of a government, or of an organization or of a community, especially as existing at a particular time.

    Jacob PROMISE GIVEN Genesis 12:3 2500 YEARS Moses King David Prophets Law of Moses 1500 YEARS Christ Apostles Church New Covenant PROMISE FULFILLED Galatians 3:17 Galatians 3:19 FROM AD. 33 TO THE END OF THE WORLD OR TILL 2ND COMING
  4. DISCUSSION I. HOW IT ALL BEGUN A. It all started

    in the garden of Eden. i. A Patriarch was a male leader of a family or tribe. God communicated with such men as Adam (Genesis 2:15-17) Noah (Genesis 6:13-16), Abram (Genesis 12:1-3) Isaac (Genesis 26:1-ff) Jacob (Genesis 46:1-ff) ii. Mode of Communication? a . Remember there was NO WRITTEN LAW FROM GOD FOR MAN TO FELLOW. b. Method of Communication as used by God, Genesis 15:1; 22:11, 15; 31:11, 31:24, 46.2 Exodus 3: 1-10
  5. * Note the promise fulfilling God was still working up

    to what He promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob came to pass. i. Land promise ii. Nation promise iii. They (Israel) becoming His peculiar people iv. Through them the entire world would be bless. This period (PATRIARCAL DISPENSATION OR AGE) from Genesis 1 through to the end of Exodus chapter 19. read Exodus 19:1-8, and the entire period had 2500 years
  6. A – SPECIALITY OF THIS AGE 1. They had NO

    WRITTEN LAW from God, but they knew the following a. Murder was forbidden. Genesis 9:6 b. Fornication and adultery were forbidden. Genesis 38:24, 39:7-9 c. Idolatry was forbidden. Genesis 35:2-3 d. They were NOT to consumed blood. Genesis 9:4 e. They were to work.. Genesis 2:15, 3:19 f. They were to cloth themselves. Genesis 3:21 g. They were also taught to abstain from: 1. Things offered to idols 2. Consuming blood 3. Consuming things strangled and 4. Fornication. Acts 15:19-20 This dispensation is sometimes referred to as “STAR LIGHT” AGE: Reason being details about God’s redemption plan through Christ being ONLY DIMLY REVEALED. Read Genesis 3:15. cf. Galatians 3:16,19.
  7. 2. MOSAIC DISPENSATION (Moon-Light Age) DURATION By scripture: Exodus chapter

    20 through to Acts 2. When Jesus’ church was established. BY TIME OR YEAR: 1500 A – HOW ISREAL BEGUN 1. Read Exodus 19:1-8 cf. Genesis 32:24-32, 46:1-3 2. Law of Israel dispensed. Exodus 20:1 ff 3. They had written system of law. Exodus 24:4-7, Deuteronomy 31:24-26, Exodus 31:18, 32:15-16, 34:1, Deuteronomy 9:10-11, 31:24-26, Joshua 8:34-35, 24:26-27, I Kings 2:1-3, Acts 15:21. 4.a. In all Israel had, or received 613 laws {365 NEGETIVES –”don’ts”, 248 , POSITIVES- “dos”} b. Aside 613 above, they also had written prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah. Read Luke 24:44 John 5:39, Acts 8:30,35, 18:28, 26:22, 27-28.
  8. 4.c. Remember this dispensation was given to Israel alone. Read

    Exodus 20:1-2, Exodus 31:16-17, Deuteronomy 5:1-6, 4:37, 5:15, Nehemiah 9:13-14. WAS THERE NO OTHER NATION BY THEN? Yes, there was but God gave His law(s) ONLY to Israel. i. Read Deuteronomy 4:1-6 (repeat vs 6,7,8) ii. Read Deuteronomy 7:1ff iii. Psalm 147:19-’20’ QUESTION – WHAT HAPPENED TO THE REST OF THE HUMANITY? 1. They continued under the Patriarchal Dispensation rules. Read: Roman 2:11-12. a. Those who are without law: This is referring to Gentiles without the law of Moses.
  9. *NOTE* Clearly, the gentiles world was not without Law, because

    without accountability to law they could not sin. (Romans 4:15, I John 3:4). The difference between the gentiles and the Israelites is still clear Reading from the following verses: Galatians 1:10, 2:12, cf. Acts 15:1-21, 21:18-25. The indicator during the transition period from Judaism to Christianity. 2. Remember despite God picking or chosen Israel as His people, there were others who were not Israelites who were mentioned to have given good accounts to themselves. a. Melchizedek. Genesis 14:18-20, b. Job in the book of Job c. Jethro. Exodus 18:12-24 d. Cornelius. Acts 10:1-6
  10. REASONS FOR THE MOSAICAL DISPENSATION? a. To provide civil law

    for Israel to live by as a nation. Deut. 22:8, Exo. 21:28-29 b. It was given to Israel as a tutor or a school master. Galatians 3:24 i. Thus separating Israel and its entire population from other nation in reference to their laws ii. This dispensation is sometimes called “The Moon-light Age”. Simply because God’s redemptive plan begins or begun to shine a bit brighter. Romans 7:7, Galatians 3:21-22, Hebrews 10:1-4 c. It also taught the written prophecy of a coming Savior. Rom. 3:1-2, Lk. 24:44 John 5:39, Acts 8:30-35, Acts 17:11, 18:28, 26:22, 27-28, Acts 28:23. THE MOSIACAL DISPENSATION FORETOLD THE COMING OF A NEW COVENANT . Jeremiah 31:31-34 cf. Hebrew 8:7-13, 10:15-18

    DURATION SCRIPTUAL EVIDENCE FROM: ACTS chapter 2 (AD33) TO: PRESENT AND STILL COUNTING! SCOPE: UNIVERSAL. Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:46-47 Christ reclaimed them both (Jews and Gentiles) to God in one body. Ephesians 1:22-23 Through the cross, Eph. 2:16. With only the power of the gospel being the saving time. Romans 1:16. This does not give distinction between Jew and Gentile, Greek for the same Lord overall in rich to all who call upon Him. Romans 10:12, Galatians 3:28.

    2:20 Initiation- By Jesus Christ. Luke 16:16 II. As directed by the Holy Spirit . John 14:25-26, 15:26-27 John 16:12-14 III. Judgement from this time on is based solely on these words as taught by Jesus. John 12:48, Romans 2:16. *Note* Now God’s redemptive plan is clearly seen and given, thus the name SUN or SON Light Age.

    7:7 (Exodus 20:17. We can’t serve two laws.) II. We learn from it principles . Romans 15:4a, I Corinthians 10:1-’11’ III. We study the principles of our learning from it. a. Hebrews 11, b. Patience of Job. James 5:11