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Innovaxis B2B Marketing Agency Presentation

Innovaxis B2B Marketing Agency Presentation

Learn how to your marketing can align with sales and fuel sustainable, double-digit growth

Innovaxis Marketing

May 20, 2024

Other Decks in Business


  1. www.innovaxisinc.com About Innovaxis – Marketing audit + strategy + execution

    = results – B2B marketing strategy – Inbound and outbound marketing execution – HubSpot Gold Partner – Certified Google Ads partner – 7 full-time employees – Started a nonprofit practice – 300% ROI within 18 months
  2. www.innovaxisinc.com Introductions We Seek – Target markets: – Manufacturers, software

    vendors and their resellers – Outsourcing providers and specialty services – Nonprofits – All add value to their industry and society – Want double digit growth – Current marketing and sales not getting it done – Willing to change, try new things – Explore if a marketing audit makes sense – Then create a marketing program based on audit recommendations (marketing plan)
  3. www.innovaxisinc.com The Flow Marketing Strategy vs. Opportunism The Substance of

    Your Branding The Right Marketing Mix for You Remember: there is no such thing as certainty!
  4. www.innovaxisinc.com Marketing Strategy vs. Opportunism “If you don’t know where

    you’re going, any road will take you there” “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”
  5. www.innovaxisinc.com Marketing Strategy vs. Opportunism – Marketing opportunism – Goal:

    grow “more” – Plan: ideas in your head – Tactics: throw spaghetti against the wall, see what sticks – Marketing strategy – Goals: SMART only – Plan: covers 4 Ps of marketing, written and reviewed – Tactics: implement prioritized objectives from the audit – Ideal: work backwards – Start at 3-5 years out (or your exit) – The Merlyn Principle – 1-page plan a great way to start
  6. www.innovaxisinc.com The Substance of Your Branding – Focus on the

    problems you solve and for whom – Then how you do it, testimonials, content marketing – Resist leading with products & services, features & benefits – They’re part of the ”how” – Connect the dots between these and customer problems! – Process: – Surface your brand story (workshop and /worksheet) – Rework your home page, about page, main solution pages, company profiles – Create sub-brand stories (solutions, markets) – Work into your training and all sales and marketing material
  7. www.innovaxisinc.com Your Website – Your #1 marketing asset – 72%

    of B2B buyers begin on Google – Your 24/7 sales rep and 1st or 2nd impression – Effective websites generate leads – the components: 1. Marketing Strategy 2. Great Design 3. Optimized User Experience: Speed! 4. Content is King 5. SEO Best Practices 6. Technology: Back-End & Hosting
  8. www.innovaxisinc.com Inbound Marketing • Educational and compelling – no fluff!

    o Center it around how you solve problems • Not just blogs o Foundational web content, case studies, guides, calculators, checklists, brochures, etc. • Where SEO begins • Repurpose in email campaigns, social media, third-party websites, etc. The heart and soul of your website • 50-100 web pages • 2-4 blog posts/new web pages per month • Brainstorm ideas to create a content calendar • Need to watch top pages, site duration and bounce rate o Look at the bounce rate for your top 20+ pages Critical mass
  9. www.innovaxisinc.com SEO Best Practices – Leverage your website content for

    max visibility – Incorporate offsite content – Incorporate keywords that read well – Do your research with Google Ads keyword tool makes it easy – Page names/URLs/folders, page titles, meta descriptions, ALT – H1 and H2 headers on every page/blog – Nuts and bolts – XML sitemap, robots.txt, canonical links, blog indexed properly, no broken links, etc. – Monitor key tools – Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Moz/SEM Rush/Spyfu – Offsite SEO – Get links from websites that rank higher than yours
  10. www.innovaxisinc.com Website Technology – Recommended: – WordPress: 30-40% of all

    websites – WP Engine: managed WordPress hosting – Nothing is more secure, cost-effective, automated, and easy to use – Other platforms can work – But may have security risks, questionable development roadmaps, expensive developers – Consider ecommerce – For the transactional side of your business – Including services – Marketing automation – Ties your CRM, website and email together – 360º degree view of all prospects and customers/clients – HubSpot is all of the above plus CMS, live chat, ticketing
  11. www.innovaxisinc.com Marketing & Sales Campaigns – Don’t wait to be

    Googled! – Your target markets may need you, but aren’t actively searching – It’s all about generating touchpoints – Targeting: the more specific the better – Messaging: focus on your brand story – Consistency: once a month over the next 12 months – Process: email, call, direct mail, repeat – Email campaigns often don’t work by themselves – Professionalism: leave them alone after 3-4 touches! – But keep them on your drip marketing list – PR can still work wonders – Press releases + unpaid article placements and speaking engagements
  12. www.innovaxisinc.com How to Do It All – People – Have

    at least one point person – Dedicated marketing person or time – Partner with a marketing company – To supplement missing skill sets (at least 15) – There is no effective, faster or more cost-effective way – Process – Strategy, brand story, marketing mix implementation – Focus on low hanging fruit – Technology – Website needs to be secure, easy to create content – Tie your CRM, website and email together – HubSpot, Zoho
  13. www.innovaxisinc.com Start with a Marketing Audit – What you get

    – Problems that need to be fixed – Opportunities to further accelerate sales – How to take your business to the next level – Process – Kick-off with your team – Optional: interviews with key third parties – Holistic and comprehensive analysis – Presentation of the audit to you – The next step – A strategic marketing audit and plan – Not much to audit? Let’s review your brand story… and you still need a plan