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Sara Lerén – Inclusive Design - All about the e...

June 14, 2018

Sara Lerén – Inclusive Design - All about the extremes


June 14, 2018


  1. Sh*t users say I love this software! The software is

    my best friend! It was really easy to use!
  2. Fab stuff users say This web page gave me anxiety!

    I really don’t understand this! How about trying a different approach to the problem?
  3. Sh*t users say I love this software! The software is

    my best friend! It was really easy to use! average
  4. Fab stuff users say This web page gave me anxiety!

    I really don’t understand this! How about trying a different approach to the problem? extreme
  5. ”The reason everything about us is distributed on a normal

    curve, with a few weirdos way off in the long tails at the right and left and everyone else lumped together under the bulge is that we need people who get on with stuff, and a few firefighters who are kinked just the right way to sort out the weirdest shit happening around the edges.” Cory Doctorow, Walkaway
  6. http://www.yourformarebelongtous.com My gender is: Please state your gender We want

    to know your gender because... Source: Emily Horsman ALL-INCLUSIVE DESIGN
  7. Smart user testing Approximately 5 users Include extreme users neurodiversity/skills/age

    Test in their natural habitat Image from spacerobotstudio.com

                                                WHY HOW WHAT Desired impact: Reduce financial administration at city departments Assignment for city of Gothenburg Behavior: Support understanding and correct payments of invoices Solution: Re-designing the invoices + Empower citizens Simon Sinek’s Golden circle
  9. We believe that citizens misunderstand invoices and make incorrect payments

    which leads to a high manual workload at the departments with handling incorrect payments and that if we tried re-designing the invoices to make them more accessible and easy to understand it would lead to fewer incorrect payments, less manual work at the departments and empowered citizens How it’s working today What we want to do about it Why we’re doing it
  10. We believe that customers have problem/lack knowledge/behave in this way

    which leads to consequence and that if we tried solution it would lead to improvement/results Cindy Alvarez’s Hypothesis-driven Design
  11. Invoice user tests Age range: 20 – 80 Sight: severe

    impairment – perfect sight Neurodiversity: ADHD – neurotypical – Asperger Native language: swedish – other
  12. Outcome: Great feedback on wording and contrast Clear descriptions of

    user navigation Suggestions for better placement of important information
  13. FAKTURA Göteborgs Stad stånd nr 1005 3064203100000095 Stadsdelsförvaltningen Centrum, Box

    5293, 402 25 GÖTEBORG Fakturanr/OCRnr Betalning oss tillhanda Avsändare (namn och postadress) Betalningsmottagare (endast namn) Till PlusGirokonto nr Avgift Kassastämpel Kod 1 4130303-3 2017-05-31 7720109823112 INBETALNING/GIRERING C Eventuell anmärkning mot denna faktura ska göras senast 5 dagar före fakturans förfallodag till vår referens (se ovan). Vid försenad betalning debiteras dröjsmålsränta med 8%-enheter över gällande referensränta samt eventuell avtalad påminnelseavgift. Er referens: Ert ordernr: Vår referens: Vårt ordernr: Josef Larsson 031-3657006 213600613 4130303-3 Plusgiro Betalning oss tillhanda 31 maj 2017 Summa att betala 1 276 kr Fakturanr/OCRnr 772 010 982 311 2 Anders Andersson Östra Hamngatan 11 Lgh 1102 412 05 GÖTEBORG Fakturadatum 2017-05-10 8145275231 Kundnummer 031-3650000 Kontakta vår referens (ovan) vid frågor om ditt ärende Telefon Göteborgs Stad 405 38 Göteborg www.goteborg.se Hemsida SE212000135501 2120001355 Momsreg.nr Org.nr NDEASESS Göteborg Swift Säte Godkänd för F-skatt SE8495000099604241303033 5488-2303 IBAN Bankgiro Öresavrundning -0,25 kr Summa exklusive moms 1 021 kr Summa momsbelopp 255,25 kr Fakturan avser Avg fritidshem, 6-9 år 090312-4538 Agneta Andersson Förskola, fritidshem och/eller pedagogisk omsorg (familjedaghem) 20170201-20170228 Antal 1 Moms % 25 % Moms 255,25 Belopp 1 276,25 1 021 Á-pris (exkl. moms) S:000095, A:000095, K:000095 Before After Most important information clearly highlighted All test persons preferred the new design which made it: •  Easier and faster to find the right information •  More likely for citizens to feel comfortable that they handled the invoice correctly
  14. Yahoo neurodiversity Mission: To champion neurodiversity at Yahoo in order

    to create an inclusive workplace for minds of all kinds
  15. ”I came away from that study thinking, why are we

    testing with anyone with high literacy? Designing for people with low literacy would make it easier for people who are distressed, distracted, sleep-deprived, on medication, whatever. If I could build this into everything, I would.” Dana Chisnell, Center for Civic Design On researching the Anywhere Ballot