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EU eArchiving Initiative -_IT Press Tour #57 Se...

EU eArchiving Initiative -_IT Press Tour #57 Sep. 2024

The IT Press Tour

September 03, 2024

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  1. The eArchiving Initiative Ensuring interoperable, open, transparent, legally compliant and

    sustainable access to digital records ITPRESS Istanbul, 3.Sep 2024 Gregor Završnik, Geoarh
  2. • Motivations for the eArchiving initiative • What is the

    eArchiving initiative • How do we preserve digital records? • eArchiving - Key activities • Reference implementations • What is next? Introduction
  3. Motivations for the eArchiving initiative Why do we need to

    preserve digital records? And why backup is not archiving.
  4. • Missing context, documentation • Long term sustainable access •

    Unreadable formats? • Reusing old software? Long term accessibility of digital records https://wiki.preterhuman.net/index.php?curid=1725 By Photograph: Robert Jacek Tomczak - Own work, CC BY- SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94360 Parcels Feature class Related ownership table https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/manage- data/geodatabases/table-basics.htm
  5. • Authenticity • How do we know data is authentic

    • How do we know we understand the data properly • Provenance • What changes were made to the data 5 Use case 1 - Legal safety (Trust and compliance)
  6. Use case 2: Loss of Inter-agency references (Sustainability and business

    support) • Water permit was issued in 2005 • The permit is issued to a Parcel number (as its location) • Today this parcel doesn’t exist • How can we find it? 6
  7. Use Case 3 – Information product recreation (Storing information not

    Technology) GIS Tools Organization, Queries, Cartographic projections, transformations… Symbology, geoprocessing, exports Vector data Raster data Database Lists, codepages Models
  8. • To foster the availability of data for use •

    Strengthen data-sharing mechanisms • Improve technical, semantic, organizational and legal interoperability • Simplify data exchange within private and public archives • And much more eArchiving Initiative role in EU Digital Decade
  9. the value of a (tele) communications network is proportional to

    the square of the number of connected users of the system ( n2) Connectivity brings value to data in the digital economy Metcalfe’s law - The value of connected Archives
  10. Long range - time perspective Using data from the past

    to support and predict the future
  11. eArchiving key information • Digital Europe Programme • DG CNECT

    and E-ARK Consortium • Start date 1st October 2022 • Two years + two possible annual extensions https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/activities/earchiving
  12. eArchiving Key information 5 Group Members: • Austrian Institute of

    Technology (AIT), LEAD • Highbury R&D, Ireland • Gabinete Umbus, Spain • KEEP Solutions, Portugal • DLM Forum, Estonia 6 subcontractors: • Association des Archivists Francophones de Belgique • EasyLean, Estonia • Ever Team Software, France • IdenTrust, Belgium • KMD, Denmark • Prisma Cultura, Italy 18 E-ARK Consortium
  13. eArchiving Key information 15 organisations via DLM Forum: • Archives

    of the Republic of Slovenia, • Docbyte, Belgium • ES Solutions, Sweden • Geoarh, Slovenia • Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, (INESC-ID), Portugal, • National Archives of Estonia, Finland and Norway • Stichting Open Preservation, Netherlands • Penwern, U.K. • Poliphon, Hungary • Serda, France • Swiss Federal Archives, • Kommunalförbundet Sydarkivera, Sweden • Kaakkois-suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu (Xamk), Finland 19 E-ARK Consortium
  14. • Openness and transparency • Sustainability and legal compliance eArchiving

    helps people preserve and reuse information over the long-term • Interoperability by default
  15. Origins of eArchiving E-ARK Research Project (2014-2017) eArchiving CEF Building

    block (2018-2019; 2019-2021) eArchiving Initiative (2022 >)
  16. • Wide adoption of the E-ARK specifications across a broad

    range of sectors, domains and countries, evidenced by real impact and engagement, culminating in being the official de facto standard. • Sustainability in all its forms is a key part of our mission. Developing an eArchiving curriculum and Conformance Seal is part of this drive. • We are focussing on Capacity Building and Support to deepen our relationships with our user communities. eArchiving Vision
  17. The OAIS content package management model Open Archival Information System

    (OAIS) P r o d u c e r C o n s u m e r Ingest Pre-Ingest Data Management Preservation Planning Administration Archival Storage SIP Access AIP DIP
  18. • Availability • Usability • Trustorthyness / Authenticity • Completeness

    • Time proof Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable Archival principles vs. F.A.I.R Data
  19. What should we preserve? The Significant Properties Model • Content:

    conveys information, not necessarily human readable • Context: background information on technical and business environments to which the digital objects relate • Rendering: how the content of the object appears or is recreate • Structure: component parts of the object and how they relate to each other • Behaviour: functionality that is intrinsic to an object 28
  20. Context example • Positional accuracy of cadaster parcels: 20m •

    Positional accuracy of orthophoto image (2006) in this area: 6m Knowing data limitations helps us interpret it 29
  21. Example: Rendering – Coordinate systems 30 Finland Dataset Dataset: EPSG:3067

    ETRS89 / TM35FIN(E,N) Finland Background map: EPSG:3857 WGS84 OpenStreetMap OSM Standard 30
  22. Example: Structure data coming from a complex system Ministry of

    culture Cultural heritage Ministry of defense Environmental agency Environmental restrictions Ministry of Agriculture Land use Ministry of environment Urban plans Surveying & Mapping Authority Cadaster maps Building permit 31
  23. • Self descriptive packages (OAIS Standard) • Based on archival

    standards and standardized metadata • Documented to preserve the knowledge base Solving the digital preservation issues
  24. Specifications CSIP (Common Specification for Information Packages) METS E-ARK SIP

    (Submission Information Package) METS E-ARK AIP (Archival Information Package) METS E-ARK DIP (Dissemination Information Package) METS CS Archival (Common Specification For Archival Information) CS Preservation (Common Specification For Preservation Metadata) CITS GIS CITS SIARD CITS Geo CITS eHealth1 CITS eHealth2 CITS ERMS CITS … CITS (Content Information Type Specifications) Structural Metadata Preservation & Descriptive Metadata Content & Content Related Metadata
  25. Archival package Example • Folder structure • Administrative metadata •

    Geospatial Data requirements • Documentation requirements • Descriptive metadata (ISO 19115, INSPIRE…)
  26. How do we make data more machine understandable? Source: https://5stardata.info/

    OL – Open License RE – Readable and structured OF – Open Format URI – Unique Resource ID LD – Linked Data
  27. • Original representation vs open format representation • Possible multiple

    types of metadata • Standardised (INSPIRE, ISO 19115...) • Storing data for AI, linked data…. Supporting some AI friendly formats Borders_GeoDCAT Borders_GeoSPARQL Borders_CSV (WKT)
  28. Task CORE.1 Specifications Maintenance and Knowledge Base • Sub-Task CORE.1.1

    Specifications • Sub-Task CORE.1.2 Knowledge Base (includes Reference Architecture and Maturity Model) • Sub Task CORE.1.3 Release Management CORE Key tasks
  29. CORE Key tasks Task CORE.2 Creation of new eArchiving specifications:

    Engineering1 3D CITS (3D Content Information Type Specification (CITS), liaising with Digital Cultural Heritage Data Space, 4CH) 44 https://lotar- international.org/
  30. • Version 2.0 published in 2024 • Online version available

    at the E-ARK Knowledge Centre • ArchiMate model can be downloaded from the online version • https://kc.dlmforum.eu/earchiving-ra20/ eArchiving Reference Architecture v2.0
  31. • EAG Archiving by Design working group • DUTO model

    by the Dutch National Archives Reference Architecture – Archiving by Design
  32. • Task CORE.3 Validation Testing Tools and Software libraries, related

    to the eArchiving specifications • Task CORE.4 Online publication. Covers all the relevant information about the specifications and the other services, on the dedicated section on the Digital strategy website via both Drupal and the CNECT-specific CMS, the “newsroom” • Task CORE.5 Standardisation and interoperability Engagement Other CORE Key tasks https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/activities/earchiving
  33. • The eArchiving Conformance Seal is intended for digital or

    electronic archives, and associated solution and service providers, as a sign of quality of digital archiving; long term preservation; and data management; following standards and best practices. • https://seal.e-ark-foundation.eu/ eArchiving Conformance Seal
  34. Access Pre- Ingest Ingest Storage View 53 E-ARK specification validation

    is now available in two flavours: try it on the web or download from GitHub. How do you know if an Information Package conforms to E-ARK specifications?
  35. How do you know if a piece of software is

    eArchiving conformant Access Pre- Ingest Ingest Storage View 54
  36. Training • Webinars • Stand-Alone training • eArchiving Curriculum User

    Capacity Building • Promotion of sustainable access to data • Use of eArchiving models Transnational Specialist Networks • Domain specific conferences • User groups Capacity Building
  37. USERS: • Denmark (DNA) • Sweden (Package structure) • Czechia

    • Slovenia (included in legislation) • Croatia (eKultura Project) • Switzerland (SIARD) • Nederland • … ADOPTING: • Hungary • Spain • Portugal • … Who is using eArchiving so far
  38. • Core E-ARK Specifications >CEN Standard • Machine understandable packages

    • HBIM Content Type specification • Academic Curriculum • Engaging more communities Plans for the future
  39. Core benefits of adopting eArchiving Extended possibilities for collaboration in

    tool development Shared development = less cost for each individual partner Digital preservation is affordable for everyone!
  40. Questions? © European Union 2020 Unless otherwise noted the reuse

    of this presentation is authorised under the CC BY 4.0 license. For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the EU, permission may need to be sought directly from the respective right holders. Slide xx: element concerned, source: e.g. Fotolia.com; Slide xx: element concerned, source: e.g. iStock.com [email protected] [email protected]