Created Nasuni Volume, Edge Appliance and NMC pre-existing resources Analytics Connector Persistent Resources Created AWS Serverless Environment Temp Resources Created/Destroyed Blob Storage “Source Container” ARM. Azure Function. Service Bus. CosmosDB Nasuni Edge Appliance Blob Storage “Destination Container” Azure Function Customer Workstation (Ubuntu VM) Nasuni Labs GitHub repository 1. From the Nasuni Labs public GitHub repo, the customer downloads to her local desktop a Terraform script for deploying NAC with Azure Cognitive Search. Terraform script has only three required parameters: volume name, service to be integrated with, and frequency of periodic NAC runs. NAC w/NAC Scheduler: Azure Cognitive Search 2. Customer completes a one-time setup of a secret in Azure Key Vault which includes NMC credentials, uploaded volume key, etc. Customers also sets up local Azure credentials NAC Scheduler (Ubuntu VM) 3. Customer runs Terraform script which creates a NAC Scheduler if one doesn’t exist. On NAC Scheduler, a cron job is created which will run a Terraform script to spin up and destroy the Analytics Connector resources. It will also create the Blob Storage destination container and Azure function for moving data into Azure Cognitive Search if neither doesn’t already exit. Nasuni Management Console 5. Script will spin up the Analytics Connector based on defaults found in initial Terraform script or custom parameters passed into the script. At end of run, all temporary resources are destroyed. 4. Script will first validate if the Storage Container and Azure Function function for moving data into Azure Cognitive Search have already been created. if not, it will create them. It will also confirm that Azure Cognitive Search index has been created if not, it will create it. 6. Azure Function is triggered when a new file is created in the Destination container. It indexes the file, sends index to Azure Cognitive Search and then deletes the file from the container Customer’s Azure Subscription Azure KeyVault Azure Cognitive Search