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CSC486 Lecture 10

CSC486 Lecture 10

Human-Computer Interaction
Cognitive Factors

Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez

February 12, 2025

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  1. Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez javiergs@calpoly.edu www.javiergs.info o ffi ce: 14 -227

    CSC 486 Human-Computer Interaction Lecture 10. Cognitive Factors
  2. javiergs/emotiv/bcidata { "time": "170456042812", "device": { "batteryLevel": 85, "batteryPercent": 0.85,

    "wirelessSignal": -60, "sensorsQuality": "high" }, "facialActions": { "actionEye": "blink", "actionUpperFace": "raise_brows", "powerUpperFace": 0.75, "actionLowerFace": "smile", "powerLowerFace": 0.65 }, "emotionalMetrics": { "engagement": 0.8, "excitement": 0.7, "stress": 0.4, "relaxation": 0.9, "interest": 0.85, "focus": 0.75, "isENG": true, "isEXC": true, "isSTR": false, "isREL": true, "isINT": true, "isFOC": true }, "PAD": { "Pleasure": 0.7, "Arousal": 0.6, "Dominance": 0.5 } } 5
  3. De f inition • A cognitive f a ctor is

    s ment a l a bility th a t in f luences how individu a ls process, a n a lyze, use inform a tion to inter a ct with their environment. • Underst a nding perception (interpret), a ttention (focus), memory, cognitive lo a d (e ff ort), a nd problem-solving (use) helps designers cre a te intuitive, user-friendly systems. • Systems should be us a ble for everyone, including those with visu a l, a uditory, motor, or cognitive imp a irments. 7
  4. De f inition How users ret a in a nd

    rec a ll inform a tion while inter a cting with a system • Short-term memory (Working Memory): Tempor a ry stor a ge of inform a tion, such a s remembering a menu p a th or a recently entered p a ssword. • Long-term memory: Retention of le a rned inform a tion, like interf a ce l a youts a nd frequently used comm a nds. Interf a ces should minimize reli a nce on memory. E.g. by using cle a r n a vig a tion, tooltips, a nd recogniz a ble icons. 9
  5. Working Memory Test A. Digit Sp a n Test. •

    Evaluates working memory a nd a ttention. • E.g. remembering n a vig a tion steps. B. Letter-Number Sequencing • Evaluates working memory, a ttention, a nd cognitive lo a d • E.g. process multit a sking in a pplic a tions. C. Corsi Block-T a pping Test • Ev a lu a tes memory, sp a ti a l a ttention, a nd cognitive lo a d. • E.g. Ability to ret a in a nd rec a ll sp a ti a l sequences in VR a nd AR interf a ces. 10
  6. ★ Digit Span Test The test is usu a lly

    divided into two p a rts: 1. Digit Sp a n Forw a rd • The p a rticip a nt he a rs or sees a sequence of numbers (e.g., 4 - 7 - 2). • They must rec a ll a nd repe a t the sequence ex a ctly a s presented. • The length gr a du a lly incre a ses until the p a rticip a nt c a n no longer correctly rec a ll it. 2. Digit Sp a n B a ckw a rd • The p a rticip a nt is given a sequence of numbers but must rec a ll them in reverse order • The sequences incre a se in di ff iculty over time. The a ver a ge a dult c a n typic a lly rec a ll 5–7 digits forw a rd a nd a round 4–5 digits b a ckw a rd. 11
  7. • The p a rticip a nt is presented with

    a sequence cont a ining both letters a nd numbers in r a ndom order (e.g., B - 4 - A - 2). • They must ment a lly reorder the sequence, f irst a rr a nging numbers in a scending order, followed by letters in a lph a betic a l order (e.g., 2 - 4 - A - B). • The test begins with short sequences a nd gr a du a lly incre a ses in length until the p a rticip a nt c a n no longer a ccur a tely rec a ll a nd re a rr a nge the items. Higher scores indic a te strong working memory, a ttention, a nd cognitive f lexibility. Letter-Number Sequencing 12
  8. • The test consists of nine identic a l blocks

    pl a ced in r a ndom positions on a bo a rd or screen. • Computer t a ps a sequence of blocks in a speci f ic order. • The p a rticip a nt must w a tch a nd then reproduce the sequence by t a pping the s a me blocks in the s a me order. • The sequences st a rt short (e.g., 2 t a ps) a nd gr a du a lly incre a se in length. • The score is b a sed on the longest sequence the p a rticip a nt c a n successfully rec a ll before m a king mist a kes. Aver a ge a dult rec a ll: 5–7 blocks in sequence. ★ Corsi Block-Tapping Test 13
  9. Attention Attention determines how users focus on t a sks

    a nd f ilter out distr a ctions. It includes: • Selective a ttention: Focusing on relev a nt inform a tion while ignoring b a ckground noise (e.g., distinguishing key a lerts in a cluttered d a shbo a rd). • Divided a ttention: M a n a ging multiple t a sks simult a neously (e.g., using multiple a pps on a split-screen). • Sust a ined a ttention: M a int a ining focus over a long period (e.g., re a ding a long document). Well-designed interf a ces should guide a ttention. 15
  10. Perception Perception refers to how users interpret a nd m

    a ke sense of sensory input (e.g., visu a ls, sounds, touch). It includes: • Visu a l perception: Recognizing UI elements, text legibility, a nd color contr a st. • Auditory perception: Underst a nding noti f ic a tions a nd voice comm a nds. • H a ptic perception: Inter a cting through touch feedb a ck (e.g., vibr a tion responses). UI elements a re perceptible, e a sy to distinguish, a nd do not overwhelm users with excessive stimuli. 16
  11. Attention Tests A. Stroop Test • a person’s a bility

    to ignore irrelevant information while focusing on a speci f ic t a sk,selective a ttention, cognitive f lexibility, a nd processing speed.Measuring attention- switching in multitasking interfaces B. Tr a il M a king Test • Ev a lu a ting t a sk-switching in UI/UX work f lows. processing speed, a ttention, memory C. Symbol Digit Mod a lities Test (SDMT) • Processing speed for d a t a -he a vy a pplic a tions. processing speed, a ttention, working memory, a nd cognitive f lexibility 17
  12. ★ Stroop Test • Presents p a rticip a nts

    with color words (e.g., “RED”, “BLUE”) written in incongruent ink colors. The p a rticip a nt’s t a sk is to click on a colored button corresponding to the ink color., not the word itself. • Congruent Condition: When the word a nd ink color m a tch (e.g., “RED” written in red ink). • Incongruent Condition: When the word a nd ink color do not m a tch (e.g., “RED” written in blue ink). • Since re a ding words is more a utom a tic th a n n a ming colors, p a rticip a nts experience a del a y (Stroop E ff ect) in the incongruent condition. • Scoring in a Digit a l Stroop Test: Re a ction Time (RT): F a ster a nd Accur a te responses indic a te better cognitive control. 18
  13. ★ Trail Making Test (TMT) TMT consists of two p

    a rts, TMT-A a nd TMT-B, which test di ff erent cognitive a bilities • A -Measures: Visu a l se a rch a bility, a nd motor coordin a tion. • B- Cognitive Flexibility & T a sk Switching Circles a re sc a ttered a cross the screen without following a strict grid to ensure th a t users a ctively se a rch for the next element in the sequence. • MT-A (Processing Speed & Visu a l Sc a nning) • • T a sk: The p a rticip a nt must connect numbered circles (1→2→3…) in sequenti a l order a s quickly a s possible. • TMT-B (Cognitive Flexibility & T a sk Switching) • • T a sk: The p a rticip a nt a ltern a tes between numbers a nd letters in sequence (1→A→2→B→3→C…). 19
  14. ★ Symbol Digit Modalities Test • The SDMT requires p

    a rticip a nts to m a tch symbols to corresponding digits using a key provided a t the top of the test. • Test Structure: • 1. A key (legend) is provided th a t p a irs symbols with numbers (1–9). • 2. Below the key, a series of symbols is presented without their corresponding numbers. • 3. The p a rticip a nt must quickly f ill in the correct numbers for a s m a ny symbols a s possible within 90 seconds • KEY: ‗ → 1 ˛ → 2 ▪ → 3 ◆ → 4 • → 5 ⬤ → 6 ✚ → 7 — → 8 ✿ → 9 • TASK ‗ __ ▪ __ ˛ __ • __ ✿ __ • RESPONES ‗ 1 ▪ 3 ˛ 2 • 5 ✿ 9 • Score = Tot a l number of correct symbol-digit m a tches in 90 seconds. • • Higher scores indic a te f a ster cognitive processing a nd better a ttention control. 20
  15. Problem Solving Problem-solving in HCI involves users f inding solutions

    within a n interf a ce, such a s troubleshooting errors, n a vig a ting complex softw a re, or completing t a sks with minim a l instruction. Interf a ces should support intuitive design, o ff er guid a nce, a nd provide cle a r feedb a ck when users encounter obst a cles. 22
  16. Decision-Making Decision-m a king refers to how users choose between

    multiple options b a sed on a v a il a ble inform a tion, preferences, a nd p a st experiences. Ex a mple in HCI: Selecting a product in a n e-commerce site, choosing priv a cy settings, or responding to system a lerts. Interf a ces should provide cle a r, concise inform a tion to a id decision-m a king, minimize decision f a tigue, a nd prevent user errors with undo options a nd con f irm a tions. 23
  17. Executive Function, Flexibility & Capacity Tests • Wisconsin C a

    rd Sorting Test (WCST) – How users a d a pt to ch a nging UI elements. problem-solving • Tower of London/H a noi Test – Underst a nding pl a nning beh a viors in t a sk execution • R a ven’s Progressive M a trices – Me a suring problem-solving in a d a ptive UIs. Problem Solving. • C a ttell Culture F a ir Intelligence Test (CFIT) – Non-verb a l intelligence for diverse user groups. Problem Solving. 24
  18. ★ Wisconsin Card Sorting Test • Users sort virtu a

    l c a rds by color, sh a pe, or number, but the rule ch a nges unpredict a bly. • Re a l-time feedb a ck guides users with “Correct” or “Incorrect” mess a ges. • Timers a nd scoring systems tr a ck response speed a nd a ccur a cy. • [ Sorting Are a ] → Four reference c a rds (color, sh a pe, number v a ri a tions) • [ Deck of C a rds ] → Users dr a g & drop c a rds onto correct c a tegory • [ Feedb a ck P a nel ] → AI shows "Correct" or "Incorrect" + a djusts di ff iculty 25
  19. ★ Tower of London • The t a sk consists

    of three vertic a l pegs of di ff erent heights a nd three colored b a lls (red, green, a nd blue). • The b a lls c a n be moved one a t a time, with the go a l of re a ching a prede f ined t a rget a rr a ngement. • The p a rticip a nt must complete the t a sk in the fewest number of moves possible. 26
  20. Lab

  21. 29 Can you implement one or two of these test

    in Java (Embedded with your Subscriber)
  22. CSC 486 Human-Computer Interaction Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. javiergs@calpoly.edu Winter 2025

    Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC 486 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.