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Assert(js) 2018: Testing Against Time in JavaSc...

Jessy Jordan
February 22, 2018

Assert(js) 2018: Testing Against Time in JavaScript Apps

20 min talk about common pitfalls and how to handle them when testing against time-dependent behaviour in JavaScript applications.
Presented Assert(js) Conf 2018, San Antonio, USA.

Jessy Jordan

February 22, 2018

More Decks by Jessy Jordan

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  1. Testing against time in JavaScript Applications Assert (js) 2018 @

    J J O R D A N _ D E V J E S S I C A J O R D A N
  2. JavaScript Apps are full of asynchronous behaviour Events & User

    Interaction Timeouts Ajax Requests …and many more
  3. + +

  4. import { module, test } from 'qunit'; module('some-thing', function(hooks) {

    test('it computes foo', function(assert) { }); });
  5. import { module, test } from 'qunit'; module('some-thing', function(hooks) {

    hooks.beforeEach(function(){ // custom setup here }); hooks.afterEach(function(){ // custom teardown here }); // test(‘test1', …); // test(‘test2’, …); // test(‘test3’,…); });
  6. import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest

    } from 'ember-qunit'; module('some-thing', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('it computes computedFoo', async function(assert) { }); });
  7. import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest

    } from 'ember-qunit'; module('some-thing', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('it computes computedFoo', async function(assert) { const someThing = this.owner.lookup('service:some-thing'); }); });
  8. import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest

    } from 'ember-qunit'; module('some-thing', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); test('it computes computedFoo', async function(assert) { const someThing = this.owner.lookup('service:some-thing'); someThing.set('foo', 'baz'); assert.equal(someThing.get('computedFoo'), 'computed baz'); }); });
  9. Why is it async? Routing Loading data for a view

    Handling route transitions Provide context for a view
  10. Why is it async? Routing Loading data for a view

    Handling route transitions Provide context for a view
  11. Ember Data Github Addon Documentation: https://github.com/elwayman02/ember-data-github#ember-data-github Loading Records in Ember

    Applications via Ember-Data: https://guides.emberjs.com/v3.0.0/routing/specifying-a-routes-model/ export default Route.extend({ model() { const store = this.get('store'); return store.query('github-pull', { repo: 'emberjs/website' }); }, });
  12. High Level DOM Assertions With Qunit Dom: https://github.com/simplabs/qunit-dom DOM Assertions

    with QUnit-DOM test('the main page displays a list of PRs', function(assert) { ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  13. ❌ test('the main page displays a list of PRs', function(assert)

    { ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  14. test('the main page displays a list of PRs', function(assert) {

    ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); await timeout(300); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  15. ❌ ✅ test('the main page displays a list of PRs',

    async function(assert) { ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); await timeout(300); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  16. ✅ but… test('the main page displays a list of PRs',

    async function(assert) { ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); await timeout(300000000000000000000000000000000000000000); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  17. High Level DOM Assertions With Qunit Dom: https://github.com/simplabs/qunit-dom test('the main

    page displays a list of PRs', function(assert) { ourOwnVisitHelper('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  18. import { visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; // ... test('the main

    page displays a list of PRs’, function(assert) { visit('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  19. import { visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; // ... test('the main

    page displays a list of PRs', async function(assert) { await visit('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  20. ✅ import { visit } from '@ember/test-helpers'; // ... test('the

    main page displays a list of PRs', async function(assert) { await visit('main'); assert.dom('.list-item').hasText('WIP: Fix Tomster Logo'); });
  21. …will be waiting for async behaviour to settle Helpers for

    DOM Interaction & more… visit() click() fillIn() keyEvent() triggerEvent() … export default function visit(url){ //... return settled(); }
  22. se ttl ed function settled( ) { } hasRunLoop? hasPendingTime

    rs? hasPendingWait ers? hasPendingReq uests?
  23. function settled( ) { } hasRunLoop? hasPendingTime rs? hasPendingWait ers?

    hasPendingReq uests? se ttl ed ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ resolved Promise
  24. Writing your own waiting helper See also waitUntil helper from

    @ember/test-helpers function myOwnWaitHelper(callback) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let time = 0; // you could of course also have a timer that tracks when this should time out and just reject function checkAssertion(currentTime) { setTImeout(function() { let value = callback(); time += 10; if (value) { // resolve if assertion is correct resolve(value); } else if (timerIsNotUpYet) { checkAssertion(time); } else { reject(value); } }, 10); } checkAssertion(0); }); }
  25. Writing your own waiting helper See also waitUntil helper from

    @ember/test-helpers function myOwnWaitHelper(callback) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let time = 0; // you could of course also have a timer that tracks when this should time out and just reject function checkAssertion(currentTime) { setTImeout(function() { let value = callback(); time += 10; if (value) { // resolve if assertion is correct resolve(value); } else if (timerIsNotUpYet) { checkAssertion(time); } else { reject(value); } }, 10); } checkAssertion(0); }); }
  26. Writing your own waiting helper See also waitUntil helper from

    @ember/test-helpers function myOwnWaitHelper(callback) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { let time = 0; // you could of course also have a timer that tracks when this should time out and just reject function checkAssertion(currentTime) { setTImeout(function() { let value = callback(); time += 10; if (value) { // resolve if assertion is correct resolve(value); } else if (timerIsNotUpYet) { checkAssertion(time); } else { reject(value); } }, 10); } checkAssertion(0); }); }
  27. test('loading comments', async function(assert) { this.owner.register(‘service:request', RequestService.extend({ fetch: td.function(), });

    td.when(this.get('request').fetch(commentsUrl)) .thenResolve(this.mockComments); await render(hbs`{{pull-request-item pullRequest=pullRequest}}`); await click('button.load-comments'); assert.dom('.list-item .comment').hasText('Comment 1: LGTM!'); });
  28. ✅ test('loading comments', async function(assert) { this.owner.register(‘service:request', RequestService.extend({ fetch: td.function(),

    }); td.when(this.get('request').fetch(commentsUrl)) .thenResolve(this.mockComments); await render(hbs`{{pull-request-item pullRequest=pullRequest}}`); await click('button.load-comments'); assert.dom('.list-item .comment').hasText('Comment 1: LGTM!'); });
  29. works when run on Mondays… ✅ test('shows the week day',

    async function(assert) { await visit('main'); assert.dom('aside.week-day').hasText('Monday'); });
  30. …and fails Tuesday - Sunday ❌ test('shows the week day',

    async function(assert) { await visit('main'); assert.dom('aside.week-day').hasText('Monday'); });
  31. hooks.beforeEach(function() Timecop.install(); Timecop.travel(new Date(2017, 9, 11, 11, 45)); // is

    a Monday }); hooks.afterEach(function(){ Timecop.uninstall(); });
  32. ✅ module('Acceptance | overview', function(hooks) { hooks.beforeEach() Timecop.install(); Timecop.travel(new Date(2017,

    9, 11, 11, 45)); // is a Monday }, hooks.afterEach(){ Timecop.uninstall(); } test('shows the weekday', async function(assert) { await visit('main'); assert.dom('aside.week-day').hasText('Monday'); }); });
  33. Thank you. @ J J O R D A N

    _ D E V GITHUB:JESSICA-JORDAN @Assert(js) 2018