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Introducing RavenDB - Agile Persistence in .Net (@dnugbe)

Introducing RavenDB - Agile Persistence in .Net (@dnugbe)

Johnny Graber

October 16, 2013

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  1. About Johnny Graber •Software Engineer - Swiss Medical Association •Twitter:

    @j_graber •E-Mail: [email protected] •Blog: ImproveAndRepeat.com Examples at
  2. Main Types of NoSQL •Key / Value Store •Graph Database

    •Column Database •Document Store
  3. Querying RavenDB var books = from books in session.Query<Book>() where

    books.Title.StartsWith("Raven") select books; var book = session.Load<Book>("books/1");
  4. Indexes in RavenDB •All Queries Need an Index •Static or

    Dynamic •Created in Background (Stale Index)
  5. Map/Reduce This is probably the most common error that people

    make with any sort of data access technology. "Just give me the whole thing, I'll make sense of it on the client side." In the RDBMS world, this would be expressed as "SELECT * FROM Orders". The problem with such queries is they can potentially… Map Reduce
  6. “When the Database must be correct the first time, every

    part of the application must be known at the beginning”