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Basic JavaScript Coding Patterns

Ji Guang
November 09, 2012

Basic JavaScript Coding Patterns


Ji Guang

November 09, 2012

More Decks by Ji Guang

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  1. Variable Definition  var a = 0, b=1, c=“xxx”; //

    shorter  var obj = {}; // faster  var arr = [];  var regex = /something/;
  2. Default Value  arg = arg || „default‟; // fallback

     e || e = window.event;  return a || „default‟
  3. Condition  answer = obj && obj.xx && obj.xx. property

     if( obj.xx ){ … } // don‟t: if(obj != null){}  if( a === b){ … } // always  if(document.getElementById){ … } // ability detect
  4. Ternary  check ? value1 : value2;  var foo

    = (condition) ? value1 : value2;  return (condition) ? value1 : value2;  foo = predicate ? ”one” :  predicate ? ”two” :  ”default”;
  5. DOM Operation  el.style.display = „none‟; // offline  //

    operation  el.style.display = „block‟;  var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();  innerHTML  // Be careful with NodeList  var imges = document.getElementsByTagName(„img‟);
  6. Event Agent  attach event at a higher level 

    <div id=“highLevelElement”>  <div><ul><li> … </li></ul></div>  </div>  $(„#id‟).click(function(evt){ … });
  7. Object as a Namespace  var MYAPP = {}; 

  8. Chaining  var obj = new MYAPP.dom.Element(„span‟);  obj.setText(„hello‟) 

    .setStyle(„color‟, „red‟)  .serStyle(„font‟, „Verdana‟);  document.body.appendChild(obj);  // return this
  9. Configure Obj  function foo( conf ){ … } 

    foo ({  key1 : 1,  key2 : 2  })
  10. Type Conversion  +‟010‟ === 10  Number(„010‟) === 10

     parseInt(„010‟, 10) === 10  10 + “” === “10”
  11. Loop  for ( var I = 0, j =

    xx.length; i<j; i++){ … } // cache  var I = 0, j = xx.lenght;  for (;i<j; i++){ … } // hoisting  for ( var I in foo ){  if( foo.hasOwnProperty(i) ){ // required  console.log(i)  }  }
  12. New Feature  Array.forEach() // use it when possible 

    getElementsByClassName()  querySlectorAll()
  13. Lazy Definition  function lazyDef(){  if(condition1){  lazyDef =

    function(){ … };  }else if(condition2){  lazyDef = function(){ … };  }  return lazyDef();  }
  14. Private Functions as Public Methods  var MYAPP = {};

     MYAPP.dom = (function(){  var _setStyle = function(el, prop, value){  console.log(„setStyle‟);  };  return {  setStyle: _setStyle  };  })(); // MYAPP.dom.setStyle = otherFunc