Speaking Client: Explaining Tech Stuff to Non-Tech People
This talk will cover the necessary skills to communicate complicated subjects to non-technical people. We'll discuss the Communication Toolkit, the stages of the Project Lifecycle and Scope Creep.
to someone (insults their intelligence or ability to understand) & Don’t Speak over their heads. Avoid Jargon, Acronyms and words that have multiple meanings (context!)
following what you’re explaining or providing what you expect. Have them explain the problem back to you, so you can clarify they understood what you communicated.
want and do you know what I mean when I say what I want?” DEFINE what the project is expected to accomplish. Build Requirements, create the DEFINITION of the project.
that doesn’t take too much effort to give a visual/sensory/tangible representation of what the client wants. Can be called the REFINE stage, because changes help clarify the DEFINITION.
way that they can ‘test’ and ‘kick the tires’. Project can be tested, investigated for “little” changes/fixes/bugs. Client will make a list of changes from actually using the product. This is the PUNCH LIST.
how you achieve more by focusing on the underlying reasons why people do what they do. In WordPress development discovery, using the principles outlined in the book, we can turn a small request into a much larger one by figuring out the business problems associated with the request, and proposing a larger solution which resolves the underlying problems. “Start with the Why, Leave with a Bigger Check” Thursday, June 1, @ 6:30pm Iron Yard, St Pete