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Codenarc Revisited GUM

Codenarc Revisited GUM

As presented at Groovy MN 10. May 2016

When was the last time you looked at code quality? Do you have some old codenarc configuration with half(or more!) of the rules turned off because they were reporting false positives? Or maybe you have @SupressWarnings all over your code? Or perhaps you want to do something small like to enforce tabs vs spaces for all members of your team?

Codenarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy that enforces style, detects bad practices, and suggests improvements. If it has been awhile since you last looked at codenarc, there might be new rules or configuration options to get you back on the path to better code quality. This session will explore what is new with codenarc, options for specific groovy ecosystem projects such as grails, and walk through how to create custom rules for your own project.

Jennifer “Jenn” Strater is a software engineer with a passion for developing and designing applications using new and innovative technologies. Her strengths are in the service layer including building RESTful APIs. Jenn also has experience with relational and NoSQL databases, devops, front-end, and mobile in the healthcare and transportation industries. She learns new tools and systems quickly and introduces new technology learned through local community groups, involvement in the international Groovy community, and when speaking at or attending regional, national, and international conferences.

Jenn is the co-founder of the organization Gr8Ladies and has organized Gr8Workshops for developers interested in an overview and crash course in Groovy technologies. She has presented at various Minnesota tech events, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Greach, Gr8Conf EU, Gr8Conf US, and Devoxx Belgium.

Starting in September, Jenn will be a master's student at the Technical University of Denmark studying static analysis and compilers with a focus on Groovy with funding from the Fulbright U.S. student program.


May 10, 2016

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  1. About Me • Senior Consultant at Object Partners, Inc. •

    Co-Founder of Gr8Ladies • 2016 - 2017 Fulbright US Student Program Selectee to Denmark
  2. https://github.com/CodeNarc/CodeNarc “CodeNarc is a static analysis tool for Groovy source

    code, enabling monitoring and enforcement of many coding standards and best practices… CodeNarc is similar to popular static analysis tools such as PMD or Checkstyle. Unlike those tools which analyze Java code, CodeNarc analyzes Groovy code.”
  3. Why use Codenarc? • Improves readability • Saves time with

    code reviews • Code with fewer bugs • Help onboard new team members
  4. def someMethod(def something, def somethingElse) {
 if (something) {

 else if(somethingElse) {
  5. def someMethod(def something, def somethingElse) {
 if (something) {

 else if(somethingElse) {
  6. def someMethod(def something, def somethingElse) {
 if (something) {

 else if(somethingElse) {
  7. Summary • Useful For: • Interns/Junior Devs • Java Devs

    converting to Groovy • New Team Members • YOU!
  8. Approaches • Start with one project or team • Turn

    on all rules • Look at all of the violations • Turn off rules that don’t make sense for your team • Fix all the problems • Once you have a good set of rules with minimal false positives, set that as the standard for all teams using Groovy
  9. Approaches • Turn on all the rules • Set a

    violation limit and fail builds that add go above the limit
  10. What is a rule? MissingBlankLineAfterPackage package org.codenarc
 import java.util.Date //

 class MyClass {
 void go() { /* ... */ }
  11. codenarc {
 toolVersion = '0.25.2'
 codenarcMain {

 codenarcTest {
 configFile file('config/codenarc/codenarcTest.groovy')
  12. config/codenarc/codenarc.groovy ruleset {
 // rulesets/basic.xml

 . . . // rulesets/braces.xml
 ElseBlockBraces(bracesRequiredForElseIf: true)
 WhileStatementBraces . . . }
  13. Turning Off Rules - Comments ruleset { /* // rulesets/braces.xml

    ElseBlockBraces(bracesRequiredForElseIf: true)
 WhileStatementBraces */ }
  14. Suppress Warnings 
 class MyClass {
 def y

    = 'x'
 def z = 'x'
 @SuppressWarnings(['IfStatementBraces', 'ThrowException'])
 int getCount() {
 if (!ready) throw new Exception('Not ready')
  15. 0.21 • No Wildcard Imports • Lots of New Formatting

    Rules • Consecutive Blank Lines • Blank Line Before Package • FileEndsWithoutNewline
  16. WARNING! • Enhanced Ruleset does not work with the gradle

    codenarc plugin • https://objectpartners.com/2016/03/16/resolving- codenarc-compilation-warnings/
  17. Create a Custom Rule import org.codenarc.rule.AbstractRule
 import org.codenarc.source.SourceCode

    * Sample rule. Checks for static fields.
 class MyStaticFieldRule extends AbstractRule {
 String name = 'MyStaticField'
 int priority = 2
 void applyTo(SourceCode sourceCode, List violations) {
 sourceCode.ast.classes.each { clazz ->
 clazz.fields.each { fieldNode ->
 if (fieldNode.static) {
 violations << createViolation(sourceCode, fieldNode)
  18. Example Rulesets • Grails • https://github.com/jlstrater/gr8data/tree/master/ config/codenarc • Spring Boot

    • https://github.com/jlstrater/groovy-spring-boot- restdocs-example/tree/master/gradle/codenarc