github.event.action != 'labeled' || == 'instant-deployment' steps: - // checkout the code and build an aab - id: upload uses: jmatsu/dg-upload-app-action@v0.2 with: // several required params are omitted due to no space. message: | Ran ./gradlew assembleDebug on ${{ github.ref }} / ${{ github.sha }} Built by GitHub Actions for code-review distribution_find_by: name distribution_id: "codereview/${{ github.ref }}" - // comment ${{ steps.upload.outputs.distribution_url }} to the pr 特定ラベル付与 or それ以外のPRイベントで発火 Rev., Variant, 目的 を明示的に付与 branch 名ごとに固有の URLを発行させる DeployGate + GitHub Actions での実装例 3/4 実践 Showcases - 実装例の紹介 - A コードレビュー