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Pass or Play: What does GenAI mean for the Java...

Pass or Play: What does GenAI mean for the Java developer?

GenAI, LLM, and other buzzwords are everywhere. The sea of acronyms can feel like (and sometimes actually are) a black box for the complex logic and processes that underpin them. Does/should a Java developer care? In this session, we’ll explore how these technologies operate and cover many of the technical terms that go along with them, such as hallucinations, grounding, and more. We will understand the abilities GenAI can provide to technical solutions alongside some of the struggles they bring, as well. Live-code examples will show how Java developers can utilize GenAI and help determine whether they are worth the hype. Come see if you should pass or play on GenAI.

Code repository: https://github.com/JMHReif/springai-goodreads

Jennifer Reif

September 26, 2024

More Decks by Jennifer Reif

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  1. Pass or Play What does GenAI mean for the Java

    developer? Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif
  2. Who is Jennifer Reif? Developer Advocate, Neo4j • Continuous learner

    • Conference speaker • Tech blogger • Other: geek Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif
  3. Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash AI Vector RAG LLM

    Algorithm Chaining DS Entity resolution Knowledge graph ML NLP GenAI Hallucination Embedding k-ANN Cosine similarity Euclidean distance Fine-tune Few-shot Grounding Model Prompt Semantic search Similarity Temperature Tokens Natural language ChatGPT Chatbot Context window
  4. Generative Arti fi cial Intelligence Artificial intelligence capable of generating

    text, images, or other data using generative models, often in response to prompts. Generative AI models learn the patterns and structure of their input training data and then generate new data that has similar characteristics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generative_arti fi cial_intelligence
  5. General info… About LLMs • Lots of data • Answers

    on probabilities • Training takes tons of hardware, money, time • Models • Di ff erent providers / companies train their own
  6. Are LLMs all that? Worth the hype? • General information

    • Public domain knowledge • Historical data • Creative / arts • Human assistant • Task delegation Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash
  7. LLM issues • Lacking most recent data • Not always

    natural language • Language complexities, sarcasm, emotion • No sources • Hallucinations / Temperature • IP, bias, privacy
  8. Strategies to improve LLM accuracy • Custom model • Fine-tuning

    / Few-shot learning • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) • All of these involve training an LLM on speci fi c data!
  9. RAG Pull data from external data sources • Retrieval •

    Data retrieved from database • Augmented • Augments response with facts • Generation • Response in natural language
  10. Explainable AI With RAG + LLM • How did the

    LLM get this answer? • Grounding LLM answer with veri fi ed data Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash
  11. What is a vector? Mathematical realm • Line in space

    • Has length and direction horizontal vertical
  12. Vectors in the technical realm Kings and Queens king −

    man + woman ≈ queen king man wom an 1 king man wom an 2 queen? 3
  13. Embeddings Convert data to a point in space • Series

    of numbers • 100s or 1000s of dimensions • Dimension = interesting feature / characteristic
  14. How do we search the vectors? Similarity search • Expensive

    queries (compare to every vector) • Approximate nearest neighbor (k-ANN) • Example: Library • Book classi fi cation - genre vs location of plot • Smaller search set = smaller retrieval time! Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash
  15. RAG architecture Prompt + Relevant Information LLM API LLM

    API User Database Search Prompt Response Relevant Results / Documents 2 3 1 Database
  16. Agentic Workflow Architecture • Uses “agents”/tools • LLM determines next

    step • Which tool/external source should be called • Uses result from tool as context Prompt + Relevant Information LLM API LLM
 Chat API User Tool Prompt Response Relevant Results / Documents 2 3 1 Source info
  17. Nothing is a silver bullet LLM is (of sorts) mind

    of its own • Can’t guarantee a consistent answer • Prompt engineering • Context window limits
  18. Chatbots Is there anything else? • “Mundane” support questions •

    Low criticality systems • Repeatable answers to common questions • Provide LLM with updated, correct, speci fi c info • User question -> Related documents -> LLM answer • Monitoring to improve
  19. Semantic Search Movie search • Non-keyword search • Combine multiple

    data sources • Back by non-public or licensed data • Agents can provide additional components • I.e. trailers, summaries, renting, etc • Capabilities as good as curated data
  20. Recommendations Product • Recommend based on smaller criteria • Follow

    user journey for what to try next • Cross-sell • Use similarity from “unrelated” criteria • Personalize experience to customer preferences
  21. Other uses • Fraud/Anomaly detection • Monitoring/Logging activities • Bugs

    and fi xes • Code quality dependencies • Impact • Supply chain • Operations
  22. Resources • Github repository (today’s code): github.com/JMHReif/springai-goodreads • GraphAcademy LLM

    courses: graphacademy.neo4j.com/categories/llms/ • Docs for Spring AI: docs.spring.io/spring-ai/reference/api/vectordbs/neo4j.html • NODES 2024: dev.neo4j.com/nodes24 Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif github.com/JMHReif jmhreif.com linkedin.com/in/jmhreif