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Security Threats, the Cloud, and Your Responsibilities - New York

Security Threats, the Cloud, and Your Responsibilities - New York

Presented at the AWS Pop-up Loft in New York - Thanks for coming by and for the great discussion!

John Martinez

July 29, 2015

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  1. Security Threats, the Cloud, and Your Responsibilities AWS Pop-up Loft

    New York John Martinez Principal Solutions Architect July 29, 2015
  2. About Me ▪Been doing DevOps and Cloud stuff for ~5

    years ▪Helped architect and build Creative Cloud @ Adobe ▪Cut my teeth on “the cloud” at Netflix ▪UNIX and Linux throat beard for >20 years ▪Have been involved in countless security and production incidents, most at 2:00 AM ▪I now talk to people about security for a living ▪I’ve never been to the Statue of Liberty (but correcting that tomorrow!) 2
  3. Tonight’s Agenda ✓AWS Shared Security Responsibility ✓Incident Response on AWS

    ✓Anatomy of an Attack ✓Engaging AWS Support ✓Logging and Data on your side ✓Mitigation Techniques ✓A Practitioner’s Toolchest ✓Q&A 3
  4. Shared Security Responsibility - AWS ▪AWS owns responsibility for all

    things physical ▪They build the services and APIs you need to deploy and run your applications on AWS ▪They deliver to their customers the ability to create identity credentials to access AWS services and resources ▪They secure the hypervisor and the network below layer 7 6
  5. Shared Security Responsibility - You ▪Creating and managing IAM entities

    and their authentication tokens ▪Creating and managing IAM access policies ▪Creating and managing network access to EC2 instances and VPC networks ▪Deploying applications and creating virtual infrastructure ▪OS Patching and Maintenance ▪Monitoring activity and collecting data ▪Designing for failure 7
  6. AWS Security Services - Identity ▪Identity and Access Management (IAM)

    ▪Secure Token Service (STS) ▪Directory Service 8
  7. AWS Security Services - Storage ▪S3 ACLs and Bucket Policies

    ▪S3 Lifecycle Rules ▪EBS Volume Encryption 12
  8. Incident Response: Not very different ▪Have a plan ▪NOC and

    SOC roles ▪Communication is key ▪Your AWS/Cloud guru may be your best ally if you don’t have an explicit “Cloud Security” Architect/Engineer 14
  9. Incident Response: somewhat different ▪Your AWS/Cloud guru may be your

    best ally if you don’t have an explicit “Cloud Security” Architect/Engineer ▪DevOps can play a major role ▪Engage AWS Support often and early (more on that later) ▪Come armed with data (also more on that later) ▪Download latest CSA Guidance, Domain 9 “Incident Response” https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/research/security-guidance/ 15
  10. Triage the Incident Stop the bleeding ▪Secure the site/isolate the

    damage ▪May need to bring down the site temporarily 17
  11. Triage the Incident Start the breathing ▪Get the business running

    again ▪Restart services when you’re ready 18
  12. Triage the Incident Treat for Shock ▪Make it better (so

    it does not happen again) ▪Learn from your mistakes ▪Monitor continuously 20
  13. Security Incident Checklist ✓Have both a plan and tools (and

    have tested them) ✓Define what and when it happened ✓Define what and when it was not happening ✓Initial triage of the problem ✓The more detail you can collect, the better ✓Scale up - Scale out - Isolate the issue ✓Review CloudTrail Logs ✓Snapshot/dd effected resources ✓Open a support case with AWS early ✓Update Often 21
  14. What does an attack in AWS look like? ▪More than

    likely, you don’t even know it’s going on ▪Sometimes, an email from the AWS Security will come in that an attack is originating from one of your EC2 instances ▪Preventative tools like Evident.io can help reduce the amount of surprises ▪Dev accounts are just as important to secure as production 23
  15. What does an attack in AWS look like? for EC2

    ▪Most common type of attack ▪EC2 IP address space is public https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json ▪Security Group rules are too open ▪Vulnerable applications ▪Vulnerable operating systems ▪Instances in unused regions (look for micros) ▪AutoScaling gone wild 24
  16. What does an attack in AWS look like? for IAM

    ▪Exposed and compromised API Access Keys ▪New users/roles ▪Deleted users/roles ▪IAM policy changes ▪Root user locked out ▪AWS resources being created or deleted ▪Costs going up trough the roof 25
  17. What does an attack in AWS look like? for S3

    ▪Wide open ACLs and/or Policies ▪Watch AuthenticatedUsers grantee in ACLs ▪Missing buckets and objects ▪Created buckets and objects 26
  18. What Will AWS do WITH you? ▪Communicate via Support Ticket

    ▪Can provide you guidance on ▪Scaling up ▪Scaling out ▪Isolating the issue ▪May shift traffic to help ▪Can provide you forensic image for analysis in AWS 28
  19. AWS Support is Part of YOUR Team ▪Always include AWS

    Support in your incident response program ▪If you are an Enterprise Support customer, include your TAM ▪On occasion, an AWS Support person can be on your call ▪Always report abuse and security issues to AWS Support, their support center is bigger than yours! 29
  20. Penetration Testing ▪ALWAYS use the official AWS Pen Test Request

    form ▪Is not immediate, but you can request immediate via AWS Support http://aws.amazon.com/security/penetration-testing/ 30
  21. Come Prepared ▪The more data you have, the better ▪Make

    sure you have data for ▪AWS infrastructure and resource state (Evident.io can help) ▪AWS Activity and events (CloudTrail) ▪OS and Application state (FIM) ▪S3 buckets (S3 Logs) ▪ELBs (ELB Logs) 32
  22. CloudTrail FTW ▪CloudTrail provides a pretty comprehensive amount of data

    for events on AWS resources ▪CloudTrail produces tons of data, be prepared to sift through it ▪Send CloudTrail data to a centralized bucket for easy consumption into log aggregation systems ▪AWS may request CloudTrail data during an incident ▪Protect your CloudTrail buckets as if they had customer sensitive PII 33
  23. Forensic Images ▪A great way to determine root cause ▪Law

    enforcement may want later ▪Create EBS snapshot or AMI from affected instance ▪Use an isolated VPC with no route to the internet to bring up and test 34
  24. Preventative Medicine ▪Follow the Evident.io Top 10 Security Best Practices

    ▪Read and be familiar with the AWS Security Best Practices White Paper ▪Automate data gathering 36
  25. Security + DevOps ▪Configuration Management can help get you to

    the last known good state ▪Immutable AMIs are also helpful in restoring operating systems and applications ▪CloudFormation templates for infrastructure management ▪Test your CI/CD pipeline 37
  26. Some tools that can help you ▪Evident.io (infrastructure) ▪AWS Trusted

    Advisor (infrastructure) ▪Cloudability (cost) ▪Splunk (monitoring and logging) ▪AWS CloudWatch and CW Logs (monitoring and logging) ▪Qualys (app and vulnerability scanning) ▪nmap (network scanning) ▪Autopsy and SluethKit (forensics) ▪Kali Linux (pen testing) ▪…and many others… 39
  27. Thank You AWS Pop-up Loft NY! [email protected][email protected]

    @johnmartinez • LinkedIn Andy De Mars (say hi Andy!): [email protected] 40 As a special thank you to those in attendance, one-year subscriptions signed up by August 30, 2015, get two months free