It is so easy to think in binaries. I’m right and, because you don’t agree with me, you must be wrong. This is good and that’s something different so it must be bad. We see this type of thinking everywhere, from the political stage to corporate offices. From immigration stances to opinions of work methodologies, we see strong polarizing voices creating camps of extremism.
The rising level of binary thinking that has emerged over the years has filled us with a bad taste in our mouths and made us almost lose sight of why we are communicating and working together in the first place. Binary thinking isn’t inherently bad. Like any other tool, it works out great when it’s needed but can cause massive damage when used in complex situations.
Fortunately, we can begin to navigate the chasm that exists between the existing extremes by recognizing the spectrum of options between them and learning how to navigate them to reach your end goals. Come and learn how we can become spectrum thinkers and directional thinkers that care more about progress than being right or wrong.