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Open Meteorological and Climate Data - Building...

Open Meteorological and Climate Data - Building bridges between user communities

This presentation was given for a keynote at the FOSS4G 2019 conference in Bucharest, Romania on 29 August 2019.

The talk gives an overview of freely available environmental datasets from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts as part of the Copernicus programme. It covers aspects of open data and the importance of making them not just open, but also accessible and useable. The talk highlights the perspective of a data user trying to work with large volumes of meteorological and climate data.

Julia Wagemann

August 29, 2019

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  1. Open METEOROLOGICAL and CLIMATE DATA Julia Wagemann Geospatial data consultant,

    Visiting Scientist @ECMWF, PhD candidate @MarbugUniversity @JuliaWagemann jwagemann.github.io Building BRIDGES between user communities!
  2. CLIMATE ERA5 reanalysis • 1979 - almost Near-Real-Time ◦ (soon

    from 1950 onwards) • Temporal resolution: hourly • Spatial resolution: ~ 30 km (ERA5-Land: 9 km) Seasonal forecasts • monthly forecasts up to 6 months ahead • Spatial resolution: 10 km
  3. CAMS reanalysis • 2003 - 2016 (will be extended •

    Spatial resolution: 80 km CAMS Forecasts • 3-hourly forecasts up to 5 days in advance • Spatial resolution: 80 km Parameters: Ozone, CO2, SO2, NO2, ... AIR QUALITY
  4. Fire danger indices • Fire-Weather Index • Fine Fuel Moisture

    Code • Duff Moisture Code • Drought Code • Build-Up Index • Initial Spread Index • Daily Severity Rating Time period: 1 Jan 1980 - 31 Dec 2018 Temporal resolution: daily Spatial resolution: 80 km FIRE DANGER
  5. FLOOD River discharge • GloFAS 30-day forecast ◦ 1 Jan

    2018 - realtime ◦ Temporal resolution: daily ◦ Spatial resolution: 10 km • GloFAS 30-day reanalysis ◦ 1981-2017 ◦ Temporal resolution: daily ◦ Spatial resolution: 10 km

    But these DO NOT make the data MORE OPEN! *European Data Portal (2019): elearning module #1 - What is ‘open’ data?
  7. #1 Trend* *PwC for European Commission (2019): Copernicus market report

    (EO) expert user End user Intermediate user Non EO expert DIVERSIFICATION of users and their demands Decision-maker Policy maker Geospatial data user
  8. How much of the ‘OPEN’ DATA, that is produced, is

    USED? 11 TBs forecast data per day 10 TBs data from the Sentinels per day 5 PBs of ERA5 data
  9. 1 2 Programmatic access Web Portal 3 FTP on request

    1 CDS Toolbox Download On-demand 4 Zenodo 2 WMS
  10. Example of NON-INTEROPERABILITY of systems: ERA5 in GEE Download Convert

    Upload Ingest SOON: 7 ERA5 parameters as part of GEE public data catalogue
  11. 2 DRIVERS and PACKAGES for PYTHON and R NEED cfgrib Magics 1.0.7 eccodes-python 0.9.2 metview 1.2.0 cdsapi 0.2.3 ecmwf-api-client 1.5.4 ecmwfr 1.2.1
  12. 3 TRAINING and REPRODUCIBLE workflows and tutorials NEED SAVE THE

    DATE: Reproducibility workshop @ECMWF | 14-16 Oct 2019
  13. CLOUD is a PARADIGM-CHANGE... … and CHANGE takes time! 68%

    (Very) interested to migrate to cloud services Wagemann et al. (2019): in preparation
  14. 1 “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of

    thinking that created them!” (Albert Einstein) MINDSET CHALLENGE
  15. 2 Make REPRODUCIBILITY and SHARING to a part of your

    personal CODE OF CONDUCT Mindset challenge
  16. Some resources: • Climate Data Store | https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/#!/home • ECMWF

    Public Datasets | https://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/ • Global Flood Awareness System | http://www.globalfloods.eu/ • Fire danger forecasts | https://zenodo.org/communities/wildfire/ • ECMWF WMS Service endpoint | http://apps.ecmwf.int/wms/?token=public&request=GetCapabilities&version=1.3.1 • WEkEO Copernicus Cloud service | https://www.wekeo.eu/ • ECMWF is hiring! (https://www.ecmwf.int/en/about/jobs/jobs-ecmwf)