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Rails Magic Exposed

Rails Magic Exposed

The Ruby that powers Rails.. LoneStarRubyConf 2012

Jesse Wolgamott

August 11, 2012

More Decks by Jesse Wolgamott

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Framework Magic Total php (1994) 132000 2.527E+10 java (1995) 45900

    960000000 .net (2002) 4400 250000000 django (2004) 9370 44300000 rails (2005) 7040 20300000 Saturday, August 11, 12
  2. 0 1 2 3 4 php (1994) java (1995) .net

    (2002) django (2004) rails (2005) 0.052 0.478 0.176 2.115 3.468 Magic over Time Frequency / 10000 Saturday, August 11, 12
  3. 0 1 2 3 4 php (1994) java (1995) .net

    (2002) django (2004) rails (2005) Node 0.052 0.478 0.176 2.115 3.468 2.031 A Step Back Saturday, August 11, 12
  4. 0 100 200 300 400 php (1994) .net (2002) rails

    (2005) Meteor.js 0.052 0.478 0.176 2.115 3.468 2.031 345.810 MAGIC of Meteor Saturday, August 11, 12
  5. def method_missing(method_id, *arguments) if match = /find_(all_by|by)_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)/. match(method_id.to_s) # find...

    elsif match = /find_or_create_by_([_a-zA-Z] \w*)/. match(method_id.to_s) # find_or_create... else super end end Saturday, August 11, 12
  6. class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts has_many :comments, through: :posts

    validates_presence_of :email end Saturday, August 11, 12
  7. class SuperWo 20.times {|i| puts "This is the #{i}”} def

    wat! puts "hi" end end SuperWo.new.wat! Try it out: http://rubyfiddle.com/riddles/a63dd Saturday, August 11, 12
  8. # Extremely simple autoloading implementation class Module alias const_missing_without_autoloading const_missing

    def const_missing(const) path = “./#{name.gsub('::', '/')}/#{const}" path.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2') require path.downcase const_defined?(const) ? const_get(const) : super rescue LoadError => error warn(error.message) super end end Saturday, August 11, 12
  9. class Foo @@foo ||= 42 puts @@foo # 42 end

    # reload... class Foo @@foo ||= 23 puts @@foo # 42 end Saturday, August 11, 12
  10. class Enumerable def standard_dev Math.sqrt(sample_variance) end def sample_variance mean =

    sum.to_f / size.to_f sum{|i| (i-mean)**2} / size end end Saturday, August 11, 12