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Refactoring to (effective and modern) Java 11

Katia Aresti
November 24, 2018

Refactoring to (effective and modern) Java 11

¡Java 11 ya esta aquí! Y Joshua Bloch ha publicado su tercera edición de “effective java”. Partiendo de ejemplos de proyectos en producción, y basándonos en las recomendaciones de Bloch y otros expertos, repasaremos algunos de los items que más aparecen en el día a día. Haremos especial hincapié en los patterns y 'best practices' a utilizar para no incurrir en un código vulnerable. Si buscas explicaciones detalladas sobre las nuevas funcionalidades de java, cómo usarlas, cuándo elegirlas frente a otras, ¡esta es tu charla!

Video: https://youtu.be/NCvW8-HZIGg

Katia Aresti

November 24, 2018

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  1. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Refactoring to (effective and

    modern) Java 11 Aurea Programando desde Madrid Katia Programando desde París MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018
  2. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Agenda Java 11 Interfaces

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  3. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Agenda Java 11 Interfaces

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  10. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Interfaces - default methods

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  11. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Interfaces - default methods

    java 8 V merge(K key, V value, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) { assertKeyNotNull(key); assertValueNotNull(value); assertFunctionNotNull(remappingFunction); ReadWriteKeyCommand<K, V, V> command = commandsFactory.buildReadWriteKeyCommand(key, new MergeFunction<>(value, remappingFunction, metadata), keyPartitioner.getSegment(key), Params.fromFlagsBitSet(flags), getKeyDataConversion(), getValueDataConversion()); return executeCommandAndCommitIfNeeded(contextBuilder, command, 1); } public interface Cache<K, V> extends AsyncCache<K, V>, ConcurrentMap<K, V> {
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  27. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Factory Pattern - Java

    11 public interface OfferFactory { interface Builder { void add(OfferType offerType, Supplier<Offer> supplier); } static OfferFactory factory(Consumer<Builder> consumer) { Map<OfferType, Supplier<Offer>> map = new HashMap<>(); consumer.accept(map::put); return offerType -> map.get(offerType).get(); } Offer createOffer(OfferType offerType); }
  28. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Factory Pattern - Java

    11 public interface OfferFactory { interface Builder { void add(OfferType offerType, Supplier<Offer> supplier); } static OfferFactory factory(Consumer<Builder> consumer) { Map<OfferType, Supplier<Offer>> map = new HashMap<>(); consumer.accept(map::put); return offerType -> map.get(offerType).get(); } Offer createOffer(OfferType offerType); } public interface Function<T, R> { R apply(T t); ...
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    exports org.infinispan.multimap.api.embedded; requires transitive org.infinispan.core; }
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    { exports org.infinispan.multimap.api.embedded; requires transitive org.infinispan.core; }
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  36. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Item 15: Minimize the

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  37. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Item 15: Minimize the

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  38. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Agenda Java 11 Interfaces

    Optionals Lambdas Streams Modules Conclusions
  39. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Una lista no exhaustiva

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  40. MAD · NOV 23-24 · 2018 Java 12 String literals

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