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The Wantedly Story - Journey of 2012

The Wantedly Story - Journey of 2012

東京大学 FoundX と本郷テックガレージを訪問して、スタートアップに興味のある東京大学の学生さんむけに、Wantedlyのサービスローンチ前後のお話をさせていただきました。

東京大学 FoundX https://foundx.jp/
FoundX: スタートアップ向けのシード “インセプション” プログラム
本郷テックガレージ https://www.hongotechgarage.com/about/

Yoshinori Kawasaki

March 12, 2019

More Decks by Yoshinori Kawasaki

Other Decks in Technology


  1. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. Yoshinori Kawasaki CTO at Wantedly, Inc. ೥݄ΑΓϏδωε4/4ʮ8BOUFEMZʯͷ։ൃɾӡӦʹࢀըɻ։ൃɺ

    Ϛʔέɺ࠾༻ɾҭ੒ͳͲɺϓϩμΫτͱ૊৫ͮ͘Γʹ෯޿͘ܞΘΔɻ࠷ ۙ͸ΤϯδχΞɺσβΠφʔɺฤूऀɺਓࣄͷνʔϜΛ୲౰ɻ github.com/luvtechno twitter.com/kawasy
  2. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. ͭͳ͕Γ͸ΩοΧέ w ͭͳ͕Γͷ͋Δืूͷਪન w ͭͳ͕Γ͕ʮԠԉʯ͍ͯ͠Δ͜ͱʹΑΔ৴པ େ੾ͳͷ͸Ϗδϣϯͩͬͨ w

    ਓ͸8IZʹڞײ w ҙٛʹΑΔಈػ͚ͮ w 8IZ)PX8IBUϑΥʔϚοτͷಋೖ ʮιʔγϟϧϦΫϧʔςΟϯάʯ͔Βʮڞײ࠾༻ʯ΁ Simon Sinek, “How great leaders inspire action” https://startwithwhy.com/commit/the-golden-circle 2012೥5݄ʹԠԉػೳ͸ʮൃݟʯ͞Εͨ
  3. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. ࠾༻୲౰ऀ͔ΒͷϑΟʔυόοΫʹৼΓճ͞Εͳ͍ w ࠷ॳͷ೥͸ϑϧλΠϜͷηʔϧεઐ೚ऀ͸͍ͳ͔ͬͨ w શһ͕ηʔϧεΛ΍ͬͯΈͯɺސ٬ͱ࿩Λ͢Δ w ҰํͰɺཁ๬ʹ͸௚઀Ԡ͑ͣɺૣ͗͢Δ࠷దԽΛආ͚Δ

    ‣ ΄Μͱ͏ͷՁ஋Ͱ͋Δʮ͍͍ग़ձ͍ͷ૿Ճʯʹؔ܎ͳ͍͜ͱ͸΍Βͳ͍ ηʔϧεɾΧελϚʔαΫηεͷΈͳ͞Μͷڠྗͱཧղ͕͋ͬͯ͸͡Ί࣮ͯݱͰ͖Δ͜ͱͰ͢  ސ٬ࣗ਎΋෼͔͍ͬͯͳ͍ʁ
  4. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. ࠾༻ͷͨΊʹ࠾༻બߟɾ໘઀Λͯ͠͸͍͚ͳ͍ w ·ͣ͸ग़ձ͓ͬͯ࿩͍ͯͩ͘͠͞ɻϓϩϙʔζͷલʹσʔτ͔Βɻ w ؤுͬͯӡ༻ʹ࣌ؒΛ͔͚ɺڞײͰϑΝϯܗ੒Λ͢ΔϓϥοτϑΥʔϜ Ϗδωε4/4 ͩͬͨɻ

    ਓࡐܥେखاۀͩͱؾ͔ͮͳ͔ͬͨ w େاۀ͸࠾༻༧ࢉ͕͋ͬͯɺ޻਺Λ୹ॖ͍ͨ͠ͱࢥ͍ͬͯΔɻ w ౰࣌ελʔτΞοϓͷϚʔέοτ͸೔ຊͰ͸খ͔ͬͨ͞ɻ w ελʔτΞοϓ͸ັྗΛ఻͑Δखஈ͕ͳ͔ͬͨɻ w νʔϜʹਓࡐۀքग़਎ऀ͕͍ͳ͍͜ͱͰ࣮ߦͰ͖ͨɻ ෆ߹ཧͳΞΠσΞͷ΄͏͕߹ཧతʁ
  5. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. ੌ͘γϯϓϧͩͬͨ ैདྷͷ࠾༻ Application = ΤϯτϦ Selection =

    ຊબߟ Hire = ࠾༻ Recruiting બߟ͔Β಺ఆঝ୚·Ͱ
  6. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. Consideration = ݕ౼ Wantedly Admin ͸Lead Generation

    ͱNurturing ʹಛԽͨ͠αʔϏε Awareness = ೝ஌ Interest = ڵຯ Engage Soft Selection = બߟ BlogɺSNSɺಈըɺ ΠϕϯτɺPRɺ޿ࠂ ΦϯϘʔσΟϯά͔Β ఆணɺ׆༂·Ͱ Lead Generation Lead Nurturing Recruiting ৄࡉ৘ใͷఏڙɺ ݸผͷϑΥϩʔΞοϓʢձ͏ɺݸผΠϕϯτʣ બߟ͔Β಺ఆঝ୚·Ͱ Application = ΤϯτϦ Selection = ຊબߟ Hire = ࠾༻ Employee Success
  7. ©2019 Wantedly, Inc. “When you grow up, you tend to

    get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls too much, try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact, and that is everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” From the Documentary Film “Steve Jobs: Secrets of Life” https://youtu.be/kYfNvmF0Bqw