IaaS System Security Plan", "last-modified": "2021-06-08T13:57:35.068496-04:00", "version": "0.1", "oscal-version": "1.0.0", "roles": [ུ], "parties": [ { "uuid": "11111111-0000-4000-9000-100000000001", "type": "person" } ] }, " import-profile": { "href": "../../../nist.gov/SP800-53/rev4/json/NIST_SP-800-53_rev4_LOW-baseline_profile.json" }, "system-characteristics": { "system-ids": [ { "id": "csp_iaas_system" } ], "system-name": "Leveraged IaaS System", "description": "An example of three customers leveraging an authorized SaaS (ུ)“, "security-sensitivity-level": "low", " system-information": { "information-types": [ { "title": "System and Network Monitoring", "description": "This IaaS system handles information pertaining to audit events.", "categorizations": [ { "system": "https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-60v2r1", "information-type-ids": ["C.3.5.8"] } ], "confidentiality-impact": { "base": "fips-199-moderate", "selected": "fips-199-low", "adjustment-justification": "This impact has been adjusted to low ʢུ)” }, "integrity-impact": { "base": "fips-199-moderate", "selected": "fips-199-low", "adjustment-justification": "This impact has been adjusted to low ུ” }, "availability-impact": { "base": "fips-199-moderate", "selected": "fips-199-low", "adjustment-justification": "This impact has been adjusted to low.ɹུ" } } ] }, " security-impact-level": { "security-objective-confidentiality": "fips-199-low", "security-objective-integrity": "fips-199-low", "security-objective-availability": "fips-199-low" }, "status": { "state": "operational" }, "authorization-boundary": { "description": "The hardware and software supporting the virtualized infrastructure supporting the IaaS." }, "remarks": "Most system-characteristics content does not support the example, and is included to meet the minimum SSP syntax requirements." }, " system-implementation": { "users": [ { "uuid": "11111111-0000-4000-9000-200000000001", "role-ids": [ "admin" ], "authorized-privileges": [ { "title": "Administrator", "functions-performed": ["Manages the components within the IaaS."] }]} ], "components": [ { "uuid": "cfbc1d9d-e772-47a4-aed5-1b902339eab2", "type": "this-system", "title": "This System", "description": "The system described by this SSP.\n\nThis text was auto-generated by the OSCAL M3-RC1 data upgrade converter.", "status": { "state": "operational" }}, { "uuid": "11111111-0000-4000-9001-000000000002", "type": "software", "title": "Application", "description": "An application within the IaaS, exposed to SaaS customersུ", "props": [{"name": “implementation-point”, "value": "system"}], "status": {"state": "operational"}, "responsible-roles": [ { "role-id": "admin", "party-uuids": ["11111111-0000-4000-9000-100000000001" ] }]}] }, " control-implementation": { "description": "This is a collection of control responses.", "implemented-requirements": [ { "uuid": "11111111-0000-4000-9009-002000000000", "control-id": "ac-2", "set-parameters": [ { "param-id": "ac-2_prm_1", 29