the same time it may be a solution within human cultures. ▸ Statistically speaking, prostitution is a dangerous job where many prostitutes face death, beatings, and rape every day. ▸ It is different from one country to the next, but the risk remains the same.
prostitutes. ▸ 80% of the world population of prostitues are female and range in age between 13-25. ▸ The average age of someone entering into prostitution is 14 years. ▸ The majority of prostitues become addicted to alcohol or drugs.
to leave the industry faced an increased rate of death that was 200 times the rate of death for women of the same race and age range. ▸ During the study, 100 prostitutes died. Their cause of death equated to the following: 19 homicides, 18, drug induced or overdose, 12 died from accidents, 9 deaths were alcohol related, and 8 died of AIDS.
as police department) to identifying prostitution account or someone that manage some of online prostitution. ▸ Protect our children followed or following bad account (parental application). ▸ ..