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Wiki training course for EMBL staff

Wiki training course for EMBL staff

Konrad Förstner

August 06, 2009

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  1. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Wiki training

    course for EMBL staff Konrad U. F¨ orstner August 6th, 2009
  2. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  3. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  4. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Preface You

    get no handouts as ... we want to save trees ... wikis bring their own documentation ... you will get these slides as a pdf file ... we have created a wiki page for you with links
  5. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Preface Status

    quo All of you are familiar with Wikipedia All of you have requested basic wiki editing Most of you want to use a wiki application for a work project (lab wiki, project wiki)
  6. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  7. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources What is

    a wiki? A web site which is based on wiki software That offers the user a fast (Hawaiian: wiki) and easy way to create and edit interlinked pages within the web browser By this it enables collaborative knowledge management
  8. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Wiki engines

    There are different wiki engines with different features and requirements Their syntax might differ but they are based on common principles WikiMatrix.org helps to compare wiki engines Some engines offer extensions for special functionalities There are providers of wiki spaces - e.g. wikia.com
  9. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources History in

    a nutshell Concept goes back to 70’s ZOG / HyperCard (80’s) Tim Bernes Lee’s idea of the WWW - editable pages 1995 - WikiWikiWeb of Ward Cunningham Wikis became popular in the FLOSS scene 2001 Launch of Wikipedia - increased interest in wikis
  10. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Wikipedia -

    the best known example An encyclopedia based on a wiki Created and maintained by an open community More than 350 languages/dialects Free content and open source wiki software Relatively good proven average quality
  11. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources General observation

    Wikis technically reflect the speed of growth of our knowledge If there is a community it’s likely that there is one or more wikis for it
  12. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Examples of

    how you can use a wiki Sharing knowledge in a structured form between your group / lab collaboration network community Labjournal Write papers Open Science
  13. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  14. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Before you

    start Every wiki has editing help Make yourself familiar with the rules of the wiki site
  15. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  16. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  17. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  18. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  19. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  20. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  21. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  22. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  23. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  24. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  25. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  26. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  27. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources The basics

    step by step Orientation Creating an account Exploring the user page Basic formating Creating captions and TOCs Links to external pages Links to internal pages and creating pages Uploading files Inserting images Page history Comparing versions Undo
  28. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  29. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Non-technical issues

    - Community Management Keep in mind - Wikis are filled by people critical mass, rules, permissions, work flow, complaints, consensus, vandalism, conflicts, attribution, discussion ...
  30. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Non-technical issues

    - Licenses Open content = contribution to humankinds knowledge, transfer of prosperity Use e.g. Creative Commons licences / Public domain
  31. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Not covered

    today – For Future advanced training session Setting up a wiki Categories, templates and customizations etc. Access Control Lists Licenses and their consequences in detail ... and much more
  32. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Table of

    content 1 Preface 2 Intro and background 3 The basics step by step 4 Non-technical issues 5 Helpful wiki sites for biologists
  33. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Yes, again

    ... Wikipedia As a source - if you refer to Wikipedia article use the history to get the version link (...&oldid=xxx) and quote that one Good way of communicating your research to the public Increased importance in science - e.g. the journal RNA Biology
  34. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Wikis at

    EMBL Gibson Team Bork group Russell group Schneider group Briggs group Furlong Group Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Wiki EICAT
  35. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Many thanks

    Mehrnoosh Rayner for the organisation and the feedback You!
  36. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Selected links

    http://www.mediawiki.org http://www.wikimatrix.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wiki_software http://creativecommons.org http://openwetware.org http://www.wikigenes.org About WikiGenes: http://www.nature.com/ng/journal/v40/n9/full/ng.f.217.html Speculations on the future of science: http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/kelly06/kelly06_index.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Vandalism_studies Re. quality of Wikipedia: http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/news/2005/12/69844 RNA Biology http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/rnabiology/guidelines/ http://wikitravel.org http://wikileaks.org http://wiki.openmoko.org http://barcamp.org http://alumniwiki.embl.org http://wikibooks.org http://wikiversity.org
  37. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources Image sources/attribution

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2179910918 http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kepler-world.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HNL_Wiki_Wiki_Bus.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ohain_USAF_He_S-8A_page68.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Doi_trilo.gif http://www.flickr.com/photos/knilram/64366434/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Size_in_volumes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:TopTenWikipediasGraph.png http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Koogan_binoculars_01.JPG http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: Kevincole_-_Western_honey_bees_(Apis_mellifera)_(by).jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chiodini_wiki.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/library_of_congress/2179123671/ http://wiki.creativecommons.org/images/6/62/Creativecommons-informational-flyer_eng.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Orion_aveugle_cherchant_le_soleil.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apollo_15_launch_medium_distance.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Traces.JPG http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:EMBL_Heidelberg.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GSUSA_All_Abouts_Thank_you.JPG http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Z_The_End_Notorious.png
  38. Preface Intro Basics Non-technical issues Recommendations Links Sources About this

    document Created in L ATEX using the beamer class, TeX Live and Emacs. All these programs run on OpenBSD. http://www.latex-project.org http://latex-beamer.sourceforge.net http://www.tug.org/texlive/ http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs http://www.gimp.org/ http://www.openbsd.org Published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ by Konrad F¨ orstner http://konrad.foerstner.org Document version 1.2 2009/08/06