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git for n00bs

git for n00bs

Slides for my internal presentation at Celtra Technologies Inc.

Klemen Slavič

July 30, 2012

More Decks by Klemen Slavič

Other Decks in Programming


  1. BLOBS, COMMITS AND TREES • blob: binary data representing file

    contents • tree: acyclic graph containing commits • commit: a collection of blobs and metadata • SHA-1 hash (40-char hex string) • message • authors and signatures • parent commits
  2. STRUCTURE OF A COMMIT SHA-1 Metadata: author, message, signatures Parent

    hashes SHA-1 SHA-1 File list File: operation, path, blob hash, flags File: operation, path, blob hash, flags File: operation, path, blob hash, flags
  3. BLOB STORAGE • All data is stored at snapshots on

    every commit (full file, no diffs). Only new and modified files are hashed and stored. • Blobs are stored as compressed files in: • .git/objects/*/* • (sharded using first two SHA-1 characters into subdirectories) • Unreferenced (unreachable) blobs are garbage-collected every so often
  4. BRANCHES AND TAGS • tags are pointers to specific commits

    • branches are tags that automatically move when appending commits to the current branch 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 master legacy deployed
  5. TYPES OF TAGS • lightweight tags • mutable pointers that

    can be used to annotate history (qa-tested, deployed, etc.) • can be shared across repositories, not pushed by default • heavyweight tags • immutable entities, have full commit info and are persisted and pushed across repositories • contain cryptographic signing mechanisms
  6. REMOTES, COMMITS AND BRANCHES Remotes are git repository URIs (and

    aliases) stored in the local repository. • branches fetched from remotes are read-only and are labeled as [remote-name]/[branch-name] • branches can be set up to map to remote branches using .git/config directives • you can still push changes to remotes without setting up tracking by using explicit URIs
  7. EXAMPLE REMOTE TRACKED BRANCHES [remote "origin"] fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* url

    = git@github.com:celtra/mab [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [branch "abformats"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/abformats remote branch mapping repo URI $ cat .git/config
  8. PULLING REMOTE CHANGES Remote branches exist as local read-only branches

    that can be merged as any other, but not modified locally. To merge changes from a remote: • git fetch remote-name • git merge remote-name/branch-name If you are tracking the current branch: • git pull [remote-name]
  9. SHARING YOUR WORK You can push a local branch to

    a remote repository if the push results in appending history to the branch without a merge: • git push remote-name branch-name If you‘re pushing a new branch to the remote, you can set up tracking for the branch: • git push –u remote-name branch-name
  10. CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT $ cat ~/.gitconfig [alias] st =

    status ci = commit br = branch co = checkout $ git st # == git status
  11. CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT [alias] history = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset

    %C(bold blue)%an%Creset %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset: %s' update = !git stash && git fetch && git rebase && git stash pop explicit shell command, not an alias
  12. CUSTOMIZING THE CLI CLIENT [color] ui = auto [color "branch"]

    current = yellow reverse local = yellow remote = green [color "diff"] meta = yellow bold frag = magenta bold old = red bold new = green bold [color "status"] added = yellow changed = green untracked = cyan
  13. NUMBER ONE, WHAT‘S OUR STATUS? $ git status # On

    branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) $ echo "HELLO" > README && git add README $ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) # # modified: README #
  14. NUMBER ONE, WHAT‘S OUR STATUS? $ git commit -m "Added

    greeting" [master ca59d46] Added greeting 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) $ git status # On branch master # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. # nothing to commit (working directory clean)
  15. UNTRACKED, MODIFIED AND STAGED CHANGES • Untracked files are ignored

    by git (but are reported by git status as untracked). • Modifications to tracked files are displayed, but not commited automatically. • Staging allows choosing which changes to put into a commit. • A commit command takes every staged change and creates a new commit.
  16. GIT DIFF Show changes to tracked files not yet staged:

    • git diff Show changes that staged for commit: • git diff --cached Untracked files are completely ignored until staged!
  17. SHOW CONTENTS OF A COMMIT Want to know what exactly

    was changed in a commit? Easy: • git show (<range>|<commit>...) This also works for blobs, trees and tags.
  18. INITIALISING A REPOSITORY You can initialise a repository with a

    working copy in any directory that doesn‘t contain other .git directories in their subpaths. • git init . • git add . • git commit -m "Initial commit"
  19. BARE REPOSITORIES To create a bare repository (repo without a

    working copy checkout): • git init my-repo --bare To push changes to the repository, you need a clone to push changes from there: • git clone my-repo my-checkout • (...work...) • git push -u origin master
  20. ADDING REMOTES When you clone a repo, the origin remote

    alias is added automatically. To add more: • git remote add remote-name URI Example: • git remote add migration \ ssh://user@host/repo.git • git fetch migration
  21. WORKING WITH BRANCHES Branches are lightweight (dynamic pointers) and can

    be created at any time by using the branch command: • git branch new-branch-name This creates a new branch at the revision currently checked out (but does not switch!): 00 01 03 04 master (checked out) new-branch-name
  22. WORKING WITH BRANCHES To switch to the branch, use the

    checkout command: • git checkout new-branch-name Or do it in one step: • git checkout new-branch-name -b 00 01 03 04 master new-branch-name (checked out)
  23. COMMITING TO A BRANCH • (Create and) check out the

    branch • Modify and commit your changes • Push to remote: • git push -u remote-name new-branch-name Counting objects: 3, done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 220 bytes, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done. To /tmp/my-repo/ * [new branch] new-branch-name -> new-branch-name Branch new-branch-name set up to track remote branch new-branch-name from remote-name.
  24. MERGING LOCAL BRANCHES Check out the branch to which you

    want to merge: • git checkout main-dev-branch Merge changes into the working copy: • git merge feature-branch Resolve any merge conflicts and mark files as resolved, then commit: • git add <conflicted file>
  25. MERGING REMOTE BRANCHES Same as before, but: • git checkout

    main-dev-branch • git fetch remote-name • git merge \ remote-name/feature-branch Always fetch before merging remote branches! Local history for remote branches may not be up-to-date!
  26. HAVE WE DEPLOYED THIS? Show branches already merged into current

    branch: • git branch --merged Show branches not yet merged into current branch: • git branch --no-merged
  27. WHO SHAT IN MY POOL?! To see which parts of

    a file were updated by whom and when, use annotations: • git blame <file> (There‘s a more humane way of browsing annotations on GitHub.)
  28. DELETING BRANCHES To delete a local branch: • git branch

    -d the-other-branch To delete a remote branch: • git push remote-name :branch-name
  29. TAKING OUT THE TRASH After a while, locally tracked remote

    branches might become obsolete and deleted. To clean up remotely deleted branches: • git remote prune remote-name Git runs garbage collection periodically, but you can manually run it if desired: • git gc
  30. REVERTING ALL CHANGES Want to abandon all working copy changes?

    • git reset --hard Delete all untracked files as well? • git clean -d -f Remove only ignored files (.gitignore)? • git clean -d -X
  31. STASHING CHANGES Sometimes you want to save your edits but

    don‘t want to commit just yet. Enter the stash stack: • git stash [save [--keep-index] [message]] This saves the complete changeset to the working copy. If using --keep-index (or -k), changes already staged will not be saved with the stash, but left in the working copy.
  32. VIEWING STASHES To list all stashes on the stack: •

    git stash list To view a specific stash content as a diff: • git stash show stash@{0} Substitute 0 with any of the numbers listed in the stash list to view that stash.
  33. MANAGING STASHES To apply a given stash, use: • git

    stash apply stash@{0} [--index] To throw away a stash (or all of them): • git stash drop stash@{0} • git stash clear To apply and drop in a single command: • git stash pop stash@{0} [--index]
  34. (MO)STASHES: APPLY STASHES USING REGEXES $ cat ~/.gitconfig [alias] sshow

    = "!f() { git stash show stash^{/$*}; };f" sapply = "!f() { git stash apply stash^{/$*}; }; f" Usage: git stash save "programmae interruptus" git sapply interr

    out you should be doing something in a separate branch and have a stash you want moved: • git stash branch my-branch stash@{0} This will branch at the commit the stash was created and pop the stash into the working copy without commiting.
  36. GIT TOOLS Mac OSX: • Tower • GitBox • Atlassian

    SourceTree • GitHub for Mac Windows: • GitHub for Windows • TortoiseGit (ewww)