“GKE serverless add-on” in last year’s Google Cloud Next • Deploy containerized application to either managed or GKE environment • Immutable deployment using the concept of “revision” • Knative backend. No vendor lock • Scale from 0 What is Cloud Run?
image] or via Web console • Immutable deployment using the concept of “revision” How do you deploy to Cloud Run? https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/resource-model
rely on PaaS like Cloud Function • Run: When you need to consider dependencies, or moving existing container applications • GKE: When you need to consider network, or your microservice is getting complex
retrieve container, start container and run entrypoint command to start the server. Seems like no option to define the number of minimum up container • Delete temporary files Cloud Run disk system uses in-memory filesystem. If you don’t, will get out-of-memory error eventually and goes to cold start. • Tune concurrency config Concurrency in Run means “serve multiple requests simultaneously”. Default is 80 and that is the maximum. Cloud Function has a fixed concurrency of 1. Any tips to create an app for Cloud Run?
but it's still a ways out :(“ • Invoke API Gateway to do translation from gRPC to JSON • Outbound gRPC/Streaming is support. So you can use Cloud Firestore for example. gRPC? Streaming HTTP?? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19616265