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Advanced Git

Lane Aasen
October 23, 2012

Advanced Git

This presentation covers best practices, branching and the command line. I recommend looking through my Basic Git presentation before viewing this one.

Lane Aasen

October 23, 2012

More Decks by Lane Aasen

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ++

  2. "added a User object to the database. currently only has

    a name and an email. no authentication yet." "fixes the bug that would add 1337 to everything. turns we shouldn't add 1337 to everything."
  3. Github Issue Tracker Integration "fixes #1337" » closes issue 1337

    » fixes, fix, fixed » closes, close, closed
  4. {~} $ man ls -a: all files (even hidden) -l:

    long, extra data Protip™: ls -R / (h4ckz0rz)
  5. {~} $ pwd /home/aasen {~} $ ls downloads {~} $

    cd downloads/ {~} $ pwd /home/aasen/downloads {~} $ ls nothing to see here...